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Matches for "structuring", 32 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Thu Dec 07 07:08:13 UTC 2017  <kakobrekla>   option b, spread cash over 20 banks, get accused of structuring

Tue Nov 14 10:14:31 UTC 2017  <kakobrekla>   structuring :D

Tue Nov 14 10:14:14 UTC 2017  <mdg>   myself and my family. we're private bankers. mainly involved in structuring to reduce tax exposure.

Wed Nov 23 20:43:52 UTC 2016  <asciilifeform>   it is called 'structuring', i shit thee not.

Wed Sep 02 05:58:52 UTC 2015  <BingoBoingo>   http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-09-2015#1259321 << IRS treats expenditure optimization frequently the same as "structuring" and other not crimes that are somehow crimes.

Sat Aug 22 00:02:03 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   1. full rsa. 2. proper signature encapsulation. 3. sane structuring of the keys. 4. etfc.

Fri Aug 21 22:29:42 UTC 2015  <ascii_field>   'For the first time in the century or so of history of this particular human endeavour, text was deliberately structured with due consideration given not only to its meaning, but also to its source, and to its context. Prior attempts at structuring software, at first consisting of a naive approach focused on meaning only, over time added a half-hearted consideration of context, very unequally and rather haphazardly. The

Sun Aug 02 22:25:13 UTC 2015  <asciilifeform>   t was the first time I had really serious doubts about the wisdom of SGML's structuring process, because the massive complexity of it all is _completely_ pointless and a result of spreading the semantics so thin that you had to keep mental track of an enormous number of relationships to end up with an idea of what something should do or mean. It does not have to be that way. It was _profoundly_ disappointing to discover that

Wed Jun 24 17:12:36 UTC 2015  <BingoBoingo>   It isn't an actual property of Bitcoins. It is a failing of the social structuring of the stupid.

Fri Jun 05 03:30:45 UTC 2015  <trinque>   having too much btc will have a word like "structuring" pretty soon

Fri May 29 21:21:01 UTC 2015  <trinque>   "structuring"

Fri May 22 06:49:58 UTC 2015  <gabriel_laddel>   ^ It appears that I should properly make the business case. If the unix in question had a sane substitute for portage (clearly specified set of systems guaranteed to build for a specified set of versions, no cyclic dependencies when you try to enable the USE flag for docs globally, sane CLOS structuring of the systems, `build' builds, `test' tests

Mon Jan 26 15:05:55 UTC 2015  <jurov>   overhead compared to what? structuring/trading bonds?

Fri Jan 16 23:21:12 UTC 2015  <artifexd>   <asciilifeform> speaking of which, did artifexd follow mircea_popescu's prescription and use a hacked gpg for 'gossip' ? << No. I'm using go's openpgp code. However, I'm structuring the code so that I can later add the option do the crypto via a shell out to gpg. Then you can use whatever version of gpg your heart desires.

Sat Jan 03 02:48:07 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   otherwise if you could skirt reporting by structuring instruments nobody'd own anything anymore.

Wed Dec 17 04:21:14 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   'Deliberately keeping deposits below that threshold to avoid the reporting requirement is a crime (known as "structuring"), but Hinders was never charged with it. Instead federal prosecutors argued that her bank account had facilitated the crime of structuring, making it subject to civil forfeiture.' << lol!

Tue Nov 18 11:35:44 UTC 2014  <mircea_popescu>   asciilifeform: ^ #b-a search is broken. why am i seeing text that does not contain the literal word 'structuring' ? <<< mthreat's thing has a stemmer.

Tue Nov 18 02:31:38 UTC 2014  <assbot>   336 results for '"structuring"' - #bitcoin-assets search

Tue Nov 18 02:29:19 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   ^ #b-a search is broken. why am i seeing text that does not contain the literal word 'structuring' ?

Tue Nov 18 02:29:03 UTC 2014  <assbot>   336 results for 'structuring' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=structuring

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