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Matches for ATC, 1245 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

25-08-2017 15:09:14  <pankkake>   which different from the Altcoin named Altcoin (ATC) that was started here

03-01-2017 21:15:40  <asciilifeform>   (though iirc somebody sent me, to autogenned addr, 1337 atc or somesuch)

03-01-2017 21:15:22  <asciilifeform>   kakobrekla: in point of fact the atc thing never made sense to me, and so i did not participate

03-01-2017 21:13:53  <kakobrekla>   (if anyone beside alf forgot, at the time the preachings were 'atc is the shit b/c of the people behind it')

03-01-2017 21:10:17  <gribble>   F.MPIF, April 2014 Statement on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu.: http://trilema.com/2014/fmpif-april-2014-statement; August ATC Results | Bingo Blog: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/08/31/august-atc-results/; Rating Details for User 'mircea_popescu' - Bitcoin-OTC: https://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php%3Fnick%3Dmircea_popescu

03-01-2017 21:10:16  <kakobrekla>   ;;google trilema atc

03-01-2017 21:09:45  <asciilifeform>   what's atc

03-01-2017 21:09:19  <kakobrekla>   asciilifeform can you tell me what is the difference between BTC and ATC?

29-04-2016 13:51:56  <assbot>   Logged on 29-04-2016 11:41:41; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-04-2016#1446102 << it is an 'atc event' if mircea_popescu is unwilling or unable to use his 'sell maxint gavincoin and buy maxint trb, rinse, repeat' h-bomb. (or, for completeness, if kakobrekla turns out to be correct and mp is fictional)

29-04-2016 11:41:41  <asciilifeform>   http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-04-2016#1446102 << it is an 'atc event' if mircea_popescu is unwilling or unable to use his 'sell maxint gavincoin and buy maxint trb, rinse, repeat' h-bomb. (or, for completeness, if kakobrekla turns out to be correct and mp is fictional)

29-04-2016 11:41:41  <assbot>   Logged on 29-04-2016 07:39:52; adlai: trb existing, and not hard-forking if/when a majority-supported hardfork comes along, is a permanent "ATC event"

29-04-2016 07:39:52  <adlai>   trb existing, and not hard-forking if/when a majority-supported hardfork comes along, is a permanent "ATC event"

29-04-2016 07:39:40  <punkman>   and BB did some ATC market making or something

29-04-2016 07:39:08  <kakobrekla>   remind me, was there a btc/atc exchange?

29-04-2016 07:37:00  <punkman>   I think I have 10k ATC somewhere

29-04-2016 07:34:35  <kakobrekla>   adlai atc was not profitable for shorter i dont think. twas not even a thing.

16-03-2016 11:57:33  <adlai>   of course, this is why we have ATC

06-03-2016 14:35:06  <thestringpuller>   mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/the-woes-of-altcoin-or-why-there-is-no-such-thing-as-cryptocurrencies/ << well there was this, and then ATC failed around that time

10-12-2015 17:51:38  <BingoBoingo>   Just guessing by the range of hashrates reported. Also did the p2pool thing with ATC.

19-06-2015 03:34:26  <BingoBoingo>   funkenstein_: And then ATC or Doge abandoment dicks your averaging effort over

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