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Sun Jan 17 18:28:07 UTC 2021 <asciilifeform> funkenstein_: iirc 'desmond & wooden doors' was in re a fr author who was jailed for 'denying' the localhost.
Sun Jan 17 07:51:31 UTC 2021 <funkenstein_> its a diagnosis I have heard from others before like malidoma somé and martin prechtel
Sun Jan 17 07:47:23 UTC 2021 <funkenstein_> it seems to me that a suicide note presented in two languages and cryptotronicly signed demands some attention
Fri Jan 15 00:11:50 UTC 2021 <asciilifeform> this gets a little interesting tho :
Tue Dec 01 21:02:06 UTC 2020 <asciilifeform> kakobrekla: if you were to list all of these, could fill a fat phone book.
Sun Nov 22 12:58:14 UTC 2020 <adlai> topic could use a (rplacd (last ..) ()), that subdomain doesn't appear to have anything hanging off it
Mon Aug 31 14:17:56 UTC 2020 <adlai> and, of course, spending two weeks in a quarantine hotel is about as desirable as alighting in Britain with an unvaccinated dog, and then watching it spend six months in rabies jail.
Mon Aug 31 14:16:44 UTC 2020 <*> adlai has often wondered lately when it'll be possible to legally visit Schengen again, especially in light of the fact that Israel is doing making quite a strong bid at "capital of MERS 2.0"
Mon Aug 31 14:11:42 UTC 2020 <adlai> ;;later tell giraffes if you did not find anyone helpful flooding you with unsolicited personal messages, please state your question and return within a tenday.
Mon Aug 24 22:20:45 UTC 2020 <giraffes> hey i have a question about an altcoin, anyone online?
Mon Aug 24 13:28:32 UTC 2020 <funkenstein_> take a break
Mon Aug 24 13:24:52 UTC 2020 <adlai> he was at that wonderful stage in his academic career, where he was just finishing his tenure as a bureaucrat of the chemistry school, and returning to being a regular tenured professor.
Mon Aug 24 13:23:59 UTC 2020 <adlai> my intro ochem professor, in the freshman year, was actually a great teacher. he answered all questions, and included quite a bit of kinetics and thermodynamics in the course, and almost no rote memorization of reaction patterns.
Mon Aug 24 13:22:50 UTC 2020 <adlai> regrettably, the way it has been taught for hundreds of years is still quite fashionable, and this is much more similar to teaching cooking recipes than to teaching a fundamental science
Mon Aug 24 13:22:24 UTC 2020 <funkenstein_> yeah it's like a game of chess or something, add one move or atom
Mon Aug 24 13:21:16 UTC 2020 <adlai> well, if you consider the orbital hybridization possibilities of the first ~dozen atoms, there is a clear complexity explosion when enumerating molecules based on carbon!
Mon Aug 24 13:16:51 UTC 2020 <adlai> they are often not resolvable by a literature search simply because they are more in the IgNobel direction than the kind of research that fills the literature today
Mon Aug 24 13:16:17 UTC 2020 <adlai> my questions are usually the kind that could be resolved by a literature search, or a few minutes of concentrated effort by a professor who actually understands the subject
Mon Aug 24 13:16:14 UTC 2020 <funkenstein_> here in gringolandia a college's purpose is to act as a greedy real estate developer
Mon Aug 24 13:15:02 UTC 2020 <funkenstein_> well it could very well be your question is cutting edge, and the answer should be sought in a research project