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Matches for bible, 262 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Wed Dec 19 00:26:56 UTC 2018  <adlai>   "painkillers"... that's about as specific as "drugs", these days. what ever happened to chocolate and bible?

Wed Aug 22 17:37:26 UTC 2018  <pankkake>   will it be the bible or cp

Wed Apr 18 13:40:12 UTC 2018  <adlai>   in case anybody else still reads the teanut gallery - dpb and mp got in a tussle over... just read it, it's amusing. and dpb apparently never tried justifying the bible based on things bedouins tell you over a cup of coffee.

Tue Jan 03 20:27:49 UTC 2017  <kakobrekla>   davout it has to do with attentivness. i read the bible and go 'lolwtf nonsense', dpb reads the bible, goes 'zomg the word of god right here !!'

Tue Dec 13 16:37:22 UTC 2016  <kakobrekla>   many people read the bible, but only idiots of the dpb calibre can think it has to do anything with reality

Tue Aug 09 21:21:11 UTC 2016  <kakobrekla>   http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-08-2016#1452524 < idk how many atheist/christian debates you went through, i went through at least one too many. one of their chief arguments is, as discussed before, where does the moral code come frome [and how to behave] if not for the made up bible bullshit - the parallels here are spot on

Tue May 24 15:29:25 UTC 2016  <kakobrekla>   alf, nothing will help you i think. just like some folks look at the bible and go "what a bunch of nonsense" and others like dpb go "oohhh the truffs!"

Thu Mar 31 14:49:57 UTC 2016  <danielpbarron>   most people use 'science' to mean 'not Bible' but really the two things aren't mutually exclusive

Thu Mar 31 14:20:28 UTC 2016  <danielpbarron>   http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-03-2016#1442307 << bwahahaha! this reminds me of this lady I sometimes see at trivia night at a local bar; she knows I believe the Bible and was certain I'd be worse at science questions than her.

Wed Mar 23 13:35:57 UTC 2016  <punkman>   #bible-assets

Wed Mar 23 13:35:20 UTC 2016  <solrodar>   seriously, I think you should return it whether you believe in the bible or not

Wed Mar 23 13:35:04 UTC 2016  <danielpbarron>   you who doesn't believe the Bible are going to say what someone who beileves in the Bible should do?

Wed Mar 23 13:31:40 UTC 2016  <solrodar>   no, because nobody here except you gives a crap what the bible says

Wed Mar 23 13:30:58 UTC 2016  <solrodar>   I'm sure I could find some law about unjust enrichment in the bible if I looked hard enough

Fri Mar 18 14:42:18 UTC 2016  <mircea_popescu>   i always thought "the path to destruction is broad" just gave measure of the argot prescience of the king james bible and it really means "the path to destruction is woman".

Fri Mar 18 14:41:31 UTC 2016  <danielpbarron>   shows lack of self-control which The Bible requires of the saved

Mon Mar 14 14:52:52 UTC 2016  <nubbins`>   http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-03-2016#1432087 << danielpbarron the bible says something similar to this, no?

Mon Mar 07 14:38:48 UTC 2016  <danielpbarron>   you got your bouquinism and I got my Bible. I just hope other people have their things or it can get pretty depressing

Sat Mar 05 21:12:36 UTC 2016  <mircea_popescu>   and sure, you can blame the miners. the problem is - the design sort-of forced this endgame upon them. i doubt most of the chinese even understand ~what went wrong~, in the very faint general, letalone in this specific ~what we did wrong~. by the chinese bible they were being very reasonable and i just don't understand how the world works. ach ach my dear fellow mp.

Thu Feb 18 06:17:50 UTC 2016  <mats>   #bible-study

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