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Matches for cazalla drinking, 66 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Thu Feb 18 12:58:42 UTC 2016  <mircea_popescu>   cazalla_ is all depressed, drinks lots, considers offing self, stumbles through various internet hate sites, ends up in b-a, a year later is head of major btc business, has quit drinking, is all optimistic, decides that internet is not irl, moves on to irl, six months later is depressed, drinks heavily, discusses suicide.

Fri Jul 24 07:08:25 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   drinking is sorta like weight training.. miss a couple weeks and you lose all those gains

Tue Jul 14 08:50:42 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   punkman, about 6 weeks.. not drinking sorta reminded me of why i drank in the first place

Tue Jul 14 08:49:45 UTC 2015  <*>   cazalla drinking... drought has ended, whiskey rains from the sky

Sat Jun 27 09:34:49 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   ya drinking awokestillY2K ?

Sat Jun 27 06:16:17 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   bingo_bar ya should be drinking and chatting to the honeys not irc nerds

Fri Jun 26 01:00:55 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   but who has a beer? if ya drinking beer, ya into at least 3 longnecks or a slab mate

Fri Jun 26 00:44:23 UTC 2015  <decimation>   cazalla: is he drinking fosters?

Fri Jun 05 06:58:32 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   Vexual, arvo.. ya drinking?

Thu May 28 09:51:33 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   i don't really want to be a gold medal winner at drinking

Tue May 26 13:18:44 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   stopped drinking for 2-3 year before he sprung up

Fri May 22 07:17:55 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   BingoBoingo drinking wine? never!

Wed May 13 08:54:18 UTC 2015  <fluffypony>   [09:31:28] <+cazalla> i'd stop drinking but then i'd need another vice <- like Miami?

Wed May 13 07:31:29 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   i'd stop drinking but then i'd need another vice

Wed May 13 07:29:43 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   BingoBoingo, as much as i hate ciggs, the drinking is prob worse

Wed May 13 06:43:20 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   fucking engrish.. can always tell i've had a day or 2 of heavy drinking when i type like that

Mon May 11 09:11:57 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   drinking some cheap shitty cherry brandy amyways

Fri May 08 11:49:57 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   nothing worse than drinking enough to get tired and going to bed but not enought to knock you out cold so you get back up for a bit more youtubing and maybe a little mfc

Fri May 08 06:31:36 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   drinking? i don't drink as much as i did before my short stint working, but now back at home each day, figured why not have a drink tonight

Sun Apr 26 05:54:22 UTC 2015  <*>   cazalla is drinking and talking shheeeiit

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