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Matches for cazalla drunk, 41 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Tue Sep 01 09:52:38 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   adlai, ah don't thank me, i was drunk

Tue Jul 14 10:25:33 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   but i am so drunk i forget how

Tue May 26 21:52:27 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-05-2015#1145602 <<< meh i was rolling down drunk, but being a dad is great fun, just stressful at times

Tue May 26 12:59:42 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   was drunk before, will be a drunk after

Tue May 26 12:41:52 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   maybe but i am drunk like a fish

Mon May 11 12:18:26 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   was prob drunk

Mon Apr 20 15:38:33 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-04-2015#1104416 << cazalla totally delivered. it's like when there's a bunch of people guarding some computers, and like 9 out of them go to get drunk one night leaving a couple behind

Tue Apr 07 07:44:54 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   you're too drunk.. or not drunk enough

Wed Mar 25 10:05:29 UTC 2015  <BingoBoingo>   <cazalla> but if it's you turning up blind drunk and acing a test, i'd believe it << Since 1998 when the injun store stopped carding me

Wed Mar 25 10:04:34 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   but if it's you turning up blind drunk and acing a test, i'd believe it

Wed Mar 25 10:02:37 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   and good luck getting rolling down drunk and turning up in person, at least you can do online tests and write for them at home while drunk

Fri Mar 20 12:52:23 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   ty nubbins` fucking power out and i'm too drunk/tired to ferry shit back and forth over usb

Sat Mar 14 08:26:29 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   anyway, point i was trying to make last night was drunk, bad decision or not, i have done this many times over past year and it would always get a full chain after a day, but can't since 0.10.0 came out

Fri Mar 13 22:04:08 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   yeah well, i was drunk so :)

Fri Mar 13 21:34:29 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   davout, hah i know that, but anything i say here while drunk is really just recurring garbage from the last time i was drinking and chatting

Fri Mar 13 21:08:32 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   mircea_popescu, cmon, i was drunk and rambling, lets please ignore all that shit from last night lol

Fri Mar 13 13:00:38 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   anyway, i'm drunk, so emotions are amplified, my life is not as bad as i might claim when drunk

Fri Mar 13 12:50:37 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   kakobrekla, i'm drunk, i talk shit when drunk, sorta how i make bitbet's and forget to bet on my own bets

Fri Mar 13 12:32:06 UTC 2015  <cazalla>   so i goes on the whaleclub teamspeak on account i'm drunk..

Mon Feb 23 04:21:07 UTC 2015  <BingoBoingo>   <cazalla> BingoBoingo, ever been blind drunk only to find that old abandoned bottle of champas in the back of a cupboard and despite being blind drunk, half of it gets tipped down the sink? << Seriously, shit dies within minutes of opening

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