Matches for danielpbarron, 10234 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
20-03-2018 20:34:56 <asciilifeform> << it so happens that we recently sold out. however the two dealerships, danielpbarron's, and ben_vulpes's, have'em.
20-03-2018 20:33:08 <asciilifeform> << that's danielpbarron's usd dealership. address all q to him.
05-05-2017 10:42:35 <punkman> <danielpbarron> it wasn't a laser. it was some thing that causes a sort of cold fusion that turns atoms into other atoms, and causes atoms and molecules to repel eachother. it caused the buildings to turn to dust mid-air
13-03-2017 18:11:13 <jurov> Phorks are phun. Even ol' Abraham's YahYah seems to enjoy His forking into Holy Trinity, Allah, Jehova, etc. (but don't tell danielpbarron)
10-07-2016 23:27:31 <jurov> danielpbarron is tasked to start one in the us
03-07-2016 21:37:40 <jurov> or whatever number danielpbarron had
02-04-2016 19:22:40 <assbot> Trust relationship from user kakobrekla to user danielpbarron: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 9 via 8 connections. | |
02-04-2016 19:22:39 <PeterL_> !gettrust kakobrekla danielpbarron
01-04-2016 06:15:21 <assbot> Logged on 31-03-2016 02:59:42; asciilifeform: danielpbarron: oh ffs kako didn't pull yer voice
01-04-2016 06:15:21 <assbot> Logged on 31-03-2016 03:01:03; asciilifeform: i 'sit on 2 chairs with 1 arse' largely because i like chatting with kako. but i wonder what danielpbarron is doing here.
01-04-2016 06:07:23 <assbot> Logged on 29-03-2016 18:49:55; danielpbarron: !v assbot:danielpbarron.rate.kakobrekla.-4:469e7c46160c5874678009d80bec6c1577223d5e8a70ec3c9a47a266064ce4a0
31-03-2016 22:47:00 <danielpbarron> so it goes.
31-03-2016 22:46:29 <danielpbarron> i see no failure on his part one way or the other
31-03-2016 22:45:03 <danielpbarron> the listing agreement says explicitly that
31-03-2016 22:44:44 <danielpbarron> how was bbet not his to kill?
31-03-2016 22:43:37 <danielpbarron> what wasn't his to kill?
31-03-2016 22:18:40 <assbot> Logged on 31-03-2016 21:48:36; danielpbarron: kakobrekla> danielpbarron you may proceed to negrate! << do what now?
31-03-2016 22:15:56 <danielpbarron> seems like you understand it well enough
31-03-2016 22:14:13 <asciilifeform> danielpbarron: did i misunderstand the position of mp where he appeared to be tallying the cost of his own time against the profit ?
31-03-2016 22:13:39 <danielpbarron> asciilifeform, apparently "actually profitable" businesses can be loss leaders