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Matches for dating, 209 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

24-02-2017 00:00:24  <punkman>   "The examples we're finding are so bad, I cancelled some weekend plans to go into the office on Sunday to help build some tools to cleanup. I've informed cloudflare what I'm working on. I'm finding private messages from major dating sites, full messages from a well-known chat service, online password manager data, frames from adult video sites, hotel bookings. We're talking full https requests,

02-02-2017 14:37:37  <Framedragger>   or just, hygiene? friend was floored by lack of literal hygiene when dating chinese chicks

16-10-2016 23:45:05  <punkman>   https://www.toddandclare.com/datinglife/online-dating/united-nations-statement-julian-assange-wikileaks/

29-06-2016 18:54:20  <funkenstein_>   canonical example would be that dating site derp who claimed there was no nightlife in buenos aires

13-05-2016 20:30:43  <funkenstein_>   "Like the French Revolution before them, the movement now boasts its own calendar, dating from its March start date, so that for example the 27th of April was called ?58 March."

24-02-2016 21:51:10  <mircea_popescu>   http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-02-2016#1414361 << this thing insistently reminds me of "bitcoin in argentina / world map", "dating websites" and the rest of the crapolade.

20-02-2016 21:20:47  <mircea_popescu>   http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-02-2016#1410806 << computer assisted dating, also.

04-02-2016 02:10:09  <mircea_popescu>   lmao people are dating on the basis of hating fat people ?

04-02-2016 01:42:17  <assbot>   Dating dreams dashed | fatpeoplehate ... ( http://bit.ly/1PiQKy0 )

18-01-2016 19:52:15  <ben_vulpes>   but your screeds, your dating notation boss

18-01-2016 19:51:22  <ben_vulpes>   ahaha and mircea_popescu is finally dating missives with block heights

13-01-2016 16:15:24  <mircea_popescu>   what's with all these confused broads posing for dating site profile pics WITH THEIR MOTHER.

02-01-2016 23:19:36  <pete_dushenski>   i'm sure my little pantagruel will be dating chicks 1.9m+ if he gets anywhere near the 2.0m+ he's on track for.

02-01-2016 22:21:50  <mircea_popescu>   in some random butthurt, http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/utah-billboard-promotes-dating-site-whites-people-article-1.2483055

29-12-2015 13:47:47  <mircea_popescu>   this has got to be the best come-back online dating has ever seen.

27-12-2015 15:28:34  <deedbot->   [Trilema] Okcupid.com, the dating site. - http://trilema.com/2015/okcupidcom-the-dating-site/

26-12-2015 17:15:09  <pete_dushenski>   thestringpuller: lol and "i don't want our daughter dating some niggar boy"

19-12-2015 19:12:07  <mircea_popescu>   that's where she's got the idea for accountability. obama's doin' aite, i guess. it's the schmuck sort-of dating her that needs more of the gel.

19-12-2015 17:36:52  <mircea_popescu>   ", I had no idea that I?d end the day going from casually dating six men to formally and intentionally dating zero."

18-12-2015 14:31:25  <mircea_popescu>   "The dating continued a couple of times more: I was definitely attracted by the innovation of the product (mining and mapping networks of Web content)."

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