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Matches for dijkstra, 43 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

25-06-2016 09:34:46  <punkman>   "In Dijkstra's terms: decentralization theater considered harmful."

31-01-2016 18:40:38  <asciilifeform>   dijkstra, 'structured programming'

22-01-2016 17:28:03  <ascii_butugychag>   !s dijkstra testing

22-01-2016 17:28:03  <assbot>   1 results for 'dijkstra testing' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=dijkstra+testing

03-12-2015 16:49:33  <*>   ascii_field ain't dijkstra either

03-12-2015 16:49:06  <mircea_popescu>   and i'm dijkstra now ?

03-12-2015 16:48:53  <ascii_field>   actually it was pretty obvious to herr dijkstra

09-11-2015 05:21:02  <phf>   i'm pretty bad a dijkstra programming, i need to see the system behave to reason clearly about it, and c is not it. besides the translation is the tirvial part

10-08-2015 02:12:40  <asciilifeform>   btw, iirc mircea_popescu once asked why dijkstra is not taught in american schools. the reason is not a secret: he openly taught that fewer people have any business programming computer than performing surgery

05-08-2015 20:04:13  <ascii_field>   nah that's dijkstra

23-06-2015 03:58:00  <asciilifeform>   'every program contains at least one bug. every program can be reduced by at least one line. ergo, every program can be reduced to precisely one line - which doesn't work.' (dijkstra?)

11-06-2015 14:21:58  <asciilifeform>   recall dijkstra's observation re: how we might regard an astronomer who introduces self as 'working in telescopy' ?

27-05-2015 01:50:31  <decimation>   dijkstra: "My conclusion is that it is becoming most urgent to stop to consider programming primarily as the minimization of a cost/performance ratio. We should recognise that already now programming is much more an intellectual challenge: the art of programming is the art of organising complexity, of mastering multitude and avoiding its bastard chaos as effectively as possible.

23-04-2015 00:28:10  <ascii_launchpad>   (from when it was mostly clear, to dijkstra et al that -this- would come, to, well, when the symptoms became impossible to ignore for anyone half awake)

03-04-2015 02:33:27  <asciilifeform>   if i say that i -disagree- with dijkstra - then i do not believe these things.

03-04-2015 02:33:10  <asciilifeform>   let's say i said 'i think dijkstra was doing it right.' that would imply that i am in favour of structured programming, against the use of 'goto', and in favour of 99.999% of programming students being flunked and similar fraction of the practitioners of that profession - being fired.

13-03-2015 06:22:31  <asciilifeform>   and likewise dijkstra

25-02-2015 15:49:37  <asciilifeform>   dijkstra died as lived - honest man

25-02-2015 15:48:44  <asciilifeform>   dijkstra never betrayed

24-02-2015 20:09:24  <mircea_popescu>   i had forgotten just how on point dijkstra is.

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