Matches for docker, 152 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
30-08-2016 17:18:20 <assbot> A Docker Fork: Talk of a Split Is Now on the Table - The New Stack ... ( )
30-08-2016 17:18:18 <punkman> docker-drama
18-08-2016 18:22:31 <punkman> it becomes particularly sad when you fail to convince client and agree to deliver docker/mongo/etc app
24-05-2016 20:34:09 <jurov> meh, docker is so..previous decade! let's go serverless, lalalalalambda rulez!!!!
24-05-2016 19:07:22 <thestringpuller> fluffypony: it must run in a docker container that can scale in AWS or Azure.
06-02-2016 12:31:17 <BingoBoingo> In other marginal news: Docker, employer of the late Debian Founder, has now hired the Alpine Linux founder and is moving all their images to that. Might be relevant if anyone was looking at that musl based distro
18-01-2016 00:19:50 <guruvan> I do use some in some docker images for various purposes, but my heaviest use images are all gentoo based
18-01-2016 00:02:12 <ben_vulpes> have built in docker, cloud, etc
17-01-2016 23:56:14 <guruvan> there some more docs on the rotor script? this looks like the mojo I'm looking for for the simple docker "whip up a node for testing" builds
17-01-2016 23:49:56 <guruvan> mircea_popescu: docker image Dockerfile helps document buld process -that part of why I do these
17-01-2016 23:48:58 <guruvan> asciilifeform: working on a trb docker image - looks like was 168000 p2sh ?
17-01-2016 02:14:47 <mod6> <+guruvan> mod6: bitcoin docker image is up - just testing now - patch wasn't working for me, so it's manually applied << ah, you had it build from V?
17-01-2016 02:14:02 <guruvan> mod6: bitcoin docker image is up - just testing now - patch wasn't working for me, so it's manually applied
16-01-2016 22:21:50 <assbot> mazaclub/docker-coin-daemons at btc-therealbtc - GitHub ... ( )
16-01-2016 22:21:49 <guruvan> << source for the image
16-01-2016 22:19:22 <guruvan> mod6: not sure what you're testing - I just put together a docker image with the v0.5.3 code on site
16-01-2016 22:07:35 <guruvan> just happen to be building a buncha gentoo docker images today
01-01-2016 05:52:42 <ben_vulpes> this is most apparently when rails devs go "omg docker" because it lets them reproducibly build execution environments
31-12-2015 01:26:00 <asciilifeform> docker ?!
31-12-2015 01:25:06 <BingoBoingo> Well, the part where Docker is handling his final affairs and was his emergency contact