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Matches for drakula, 23 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Mon Feb 17 00:11:53 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   "came to drakula two catholic monks, from the hungarian lands, pittances to collect. he ordered them brought apart, and called up one, pointed to the yard, where one could see many sat upon stakes, or on wheels broken. he did ask: 'was i just? and who are these people, sitting on stakes?' answered the monk, 'no, lord, you do evil, killing without mercy; a lord must be merciful. and those sat upon the stakes - a

Mon Feb 17 00:11:53 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   re martyrs!' drakula called in the other monk and asked him same. he did answer: 'you, lord, are called by god to put to death evildoers and reward the virtuous. as for those upon the stakes, they wrought evil and were justly punished.' drakula spoke again to the first monk, 'why did you leave your cloister in the monastery and walk about the courts of great lords, if you know nothing of the world? you said you

Sun Feb 16 23:55:23 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   drakula ordered the man sat upon the stake, taller than others: 'high is this place, you will live free of the stench there.'

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