Matches for duct tape, 60 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
Sat Mar 19 20:53:46 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> thestringpuller> if already nigga rigged, might as well duct tape the whole thing << that's actually not even the worst solution.
Sat Mar 19 19:22:48 UTC 2016 <thestringpuller> if already nigga rigged, might as well duct tape the whole thing
Wed Feb 03 20:44:19 UTC 2016 <trinque> eh I knew that ball of duct tape and twine wasn't going to last
Wed Dec 16 19:52:31 UTC 2015 <BingoBoingo> <nubbins`> telling people to shut up and drink their oil << When plasticar was geared up in "Mad Max" mode with duct tape everywhere it was the mega trucks which offered it the widest berths.
Tue Dec 15 03:45:24 UTC 2015 <*> ben_vulpes off to duct tape more open sores together
Thu Oct 29 23:15:17 UTC 2015 <shinohai> thx pete_dushenski .... might buy a few hundred, duct tape them together and melt the white house
Sat Oct 24 21:58:13 UTC 2015 <trinque> I'm not doing it with duct tape this time
Thu Oct 22 16:03:57 UTC 2015 <mircea_popescu> does it move ? yes -> should it ? yes no problem / no -> duct tape | no -> should it ? yes wd40 no - >no p[roblem
Thu Oct 22 15:50:08 UTC 2015 <ben_vulpes> duct tape can't fix steel beams.
Thu Oct 22 15:48:49 UTC 2015 <shinohai> Nothing duct tape can't fix.
Wed Sep 16 15:44:15 UTC 2015 <mircea_popescu> just, you know, imagine my face when it shone through one layer of duct tape ff
Thu Sep 03 05:27:24 UTC 2015 <trinque> shit gum and duct tape
Fri Aug 28 01:01:21 UTC 2015 <*> mircea_popescu had girl make herself shocking device out of mono copper cable, duct tape and a dozen 1.5 volters. FOR PUNISHMENT
Fri Aug 21 23:51:42 UTC 2015 <mircea_popescu> gpg as-is is at best a duct tape solution.
Sun Aug 02 16:12:07 UTC 2015 <asciilifeform> reminiscent of what mircea_popescu suggested, but with moar duct tape and chicken wire
Wed Jul 29 20:10:50 UTC 2015 <phf> mircea_popescu: in the duct tape programmer spolsky used jamie zawinski, jwz, as his main example, and i think it's an odd, backhanded characterization, that's mainly there to drive a point about something that spolsky imagined
Wed Jul 29 20:01:35 UTC 2015 <assbot> The Duct Tape Programmer - Joel on Software ... ( )
Wed Jul 15 03:52:59 UTC 2015 <asciilifeform> why engineer anything, when a bottomless supply of monkeys with 'duct tape' can be had.
Sat Jul 04 22:37:23 UTC 2015 <ascii_modem> so far there is no structure remotely enough to take up the weight if the duct tape is ripped out
Sat Jul 04 22:35:42 UTC 2015 <ascii_modem> whole thing is mostly duct tape by weight