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Matches for ecuador, 23 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Thu Jun 12 17:44:12 UTC 2014  <[]bot>   Bet created: "Ecuador will advance from the 2014 World Cup group stage" http://bitbet.us/bet/924/

Fri Jul 25 21:15:23 UTC 2014  <mircea_popescu>   artifexd: I come back from Ecuador and realize that they just banned bitcoin entirely because they're going to make their own cryptocurrency. I guess my wife was right all along when she said Correa was a dumb ass. <<< let the kids have their fun.

Fri Jul 25 18:04:31 UTC 2014  <fluffypony>   "The law gives the government permission to make payments in ‘electronic money’, but decentralized digital currencies like bitcoin will now be prohibited. The proposed electronic money is to be backed by the assets of the Banco Central del Ecuador, the nation’s central bank. The National Assembly will oversee the new currency while the central bank will develop and integrate it into the broader financial system."

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