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Matches for fits-in-head, 106 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Sat Jan 23 15:40:47 UTC 2016  <mircea_popescu>   asciilifeform actually may want to write him a letter, iirc he was also all about fits in head but arrived there on slightly different path

Fri Jan 22 17:34:03 UTC 2016  <ascii_butugychag>   1) fits-in-head. also known popularly as 'knowing precisely wtf you're doing'

Thu Jan 21 17:35:42 UTC 2016  <asciilifeform>   and also don't wait for me to write a fits-in-head and provably non-misbehaving btc client, even though i would much like to, know exactly how, and even have bits'n'pieces sitting around. because instead of this i'm stuck doing pointless crud in ???????, so as to eat.

Tue Jan 12 22:47:56 UTC 2016  <assbot>   Logged on 12-01-2016 20:57:40; trinque: mircea_popescu ? http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-01-2016#1367833 << i can't discern which side you're taking. << the side with mostly (if not *entirely*) plain english, and even better, represented as an explicit tree with s-expressions. that one can parse the hieroglyphs when he's habituated to them... fine, but I thought we were after "fits in head" here. how much skull-space does that

Tue Jan 12 20:57:40 UTC 2016  <trinque>   mircea_popescu ? http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-01-2016#1367833 << i can't discern which side you're taking. << the side with mostly (if not *entirely*) plain english, and even better, represented as an explicit tree with s-expressions. that one can parse the hieroglyphs when he's habituated to them... fine, but I thought we were after "fits in head" here. how much skull-space does that

Tue Jan 12 12:37:31 UTC 2016  <mircea_popescu>   <BingoBoingo> RSA offers a longer hisotry of being studied and attacked << more importantly, it actually fits in head. a 12 yo's head.

Tue Jan 12 03:01:16 UTC 2016  <asciilifeform>   there is such a thing as fits-in-head

Mon Jan 11 18:49:30 UTC 2016  <phf>   so what do you do when not everything fits in head?

Thu Jan 07 14:18:06 UTC 2016  <BingoBoingo>   <jurov> whether "stratum" protocol fits in head for easy control, that's another question. << A lot of this. I'm imagining and "electrum" that isn't actually electrum. i.e. not a big ball of whatever that desperately wants to advertise to the world exactly what it is. basically a different better database client setup. May break down and learn to make code enough to shit one out by 2030.

Thu Jan 07 10:02:30 UTC 2016  <jurov>   whether "stratum" protocol fits in head for easy control, that's another question.

Wed Nov 11 19:45:27 UTC 2015  <phf>   in 60 years will be using "f", a fits in head filesystem implementation by ascii, that can store terabytes of data, but technically indistinguishable from tape archive

Wed Oct 14 20:00:45 UTC 2015  <asciilifeform>   the old saw, 'you own only what fits in one hand while firing with the other' is not applicable if using two-handed weapon. because then, you own only what fits in head (and arse...)

Wed Oct 14 19:59:51 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   fits in head, i suspect, is just your bait and switch to make the world "fits in ass".

Tue Sep 29 21:14:04 UTC 2015  <ascii_field>   it is important to remember why we came up with the whole shebang of 'fits-in-head 1-page' patches, 'v', the lot

Mon Sep 21 19:19:40 UTC 2015  <phf>   fits in headâ„¢

Fri Sep 18 17:38:44 UTC 2015  <ascii_field>   understand, i have no objection to tools such as computerized theorem-proving, data flow analysis, etc. except in that these are put forward as ~substitutes for fits-in-head simplicity~.

Fri Sep 18 17:20:39 UTC 2015  <ascii_field>   my other problem is that i have not yet found an implementation of ml language that fits-in-head.

Fri Sep 18 17:01:37 UTC 2015  <ascii_field>   from usg's point of view, ANYTHING is better than having folks wake up to cpu-with-bounds-checking-on-all-ops and fits-in-head

Fri Sep 18 16:33:48 UTC 2015  <ascii_field>   invariably subtracts from fits-in-head.

Fri Sep 11 13:48:47 UTC 2015  <asciilifeform>   it is important to know why items such as picolisp and mulisp exist - compactness. (and to a lesser extent, 'fits in head'.)

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