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Matches for foo -ninjaderp, 104 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Wed Mar 23 01:38:49 UTC 2016  <phf>   basically some equivalent of "tree 182073587b70313f13678c6e1389cb6c94dd3c69\nauthor foo <foo> 1458691972 -0400\ncommitter foo <foo> 1458691972 -0400\n commit message ... "

Wed Mar 23 00:21:05 UTC 2016  <phf>   suggested solutions include writing update hooks, that in turn involve plenty of goo' ol' foo=$(bar|sed|awk)

Sun Mar 20 15:16:37 UTC 2016  <phf>   right, linux root=/dev/foo kbrebind=10:20,40:50,etc.

Mon Mar 14 22:39:35 UTC 2016  <thestringpuller>   phf: so zero assets is obviously an oversight << since corporation doesn't hold any cash outside of "day to day operations" and all profit is distributed, dealing with credit is tricky. what if company needs to buy a foo-machine but is too expensive to book as a one time expense?

Fri Mar 04 03:17:42 UTC 2016  <asciilifeform>   with keys like sha512('foo').

Sun Feb 28 07:29:32 UTC 2016  <assbot>   Logged on 28-02-2016 03:38:49; phf: 1) brew install cmake 2) patch < foo.patch 3) link_directories and include_directories in CMakeList.txt need to point to be modified to point to your boost/db4/openssl locations 4) mkdir foo; cd foo; cmake ..; make

Sun Feb 28 03:38:49 UTC 2016  <phf>   1) brew install cmake 2) patch < foo.patch 3) link_directories and include_directories in CMakeList.txt need to point to be modified to point to your boost/db4/openssl locations 4) mkdir foo; cd foo; cmake ..; make

Mon Feb 22 01:49:14 UTC 2016  <phf>   they have some package hack foo::bar (and not foo:bar), which mostly just breaks things

Mon Feb 22 01:46:36 UTC 2016  <phf>   right now it's a bit jury rigged though. most intrusive is the addition of "keywords" to scheme.c, i.e. :foo evaluates to :foo

Sun Feb 21 03:43:44 UTC 2016  <phf>   $('#patchset-select select').on('select', function() { alert('foo') }) doesn't do what i think it should

Sun Feb 07 09:32:58 UTC 2016  <ben_vulpes>   punkman: either 1/10 troll or you have better repl foo than my incompetent self and should share this wisdom

Tue Feb 02 15:48:05 UTC 2016  <assbot>   Logged on 26-12-2015 05:30:02; phf: (drakma:http-request (concatenate 'string (cdr (assoc :location (nth-value 2 (drakma:http-request "http://dpaste.com/api/v2/" :method :post :parameters `(("content" . ,(concatenate 'string "foo" '(#\Newline) "bar"))))))) ".txt") :force-binary t)

Sat Jan 30 19:30:30 UTC 2016  <assbot>   Logged on 30-01-2016 17:51:53; mod6: i do a lot of testing etc. often if I'm actually going to change a line of code, i'll press out a seperate branch call it 'foo', go in there copy a & b, then make changes in b. make a vpatch. drop it in my live bitcoin branch, rebuild with the rotor. bunch of stuff.

Sat Jan 30 17:51:53 UTC 2016  <mod6>   i do a lot of testing etc. often if I'm actually going to change a line of code, i'll press out a seperate branch call it 'foo', go in there copy a & b, then make changes in b. make a vpatch. drop it in my live bitcoin branch, rebuild with the rotor. bunch of stuff.

Fri Jan 22 04:10:30 UTC 2016  <asciilifeform>   and the ( foo )

Fri Jan 08 12:08:13 UTC 2016  <assbot>   Logged on 08-01-2016 04:19:45; phf: ben_vulpes: you call that thing like void foo(args) { IMPLEMENT_RANDOMIZE_STACK(foo(args)); ...}, static makes nLoops shared, so the logic is, you set it to some random value between 1 and 21 and then recurse down that many times, "randomizing" the stack

Fri Jan 08 04:30:20 UTC 2016  <phf>   maybe? gcc does TCO, but the code does foo(); return; rather then return foo(); so who knows..

Fri Jan 08 04:19:45 UTC 2016  <phf>   ben_vulpes: you call that thing like void foo(args) { IMPLEMENT_RANDOMIZE_STACK(foo(args)); ...}, static makes nLoops shared, so the logic is, you set it to some random value between 1 and 21 and then recurse down that many times, "randomizing" the stack

Tue Jan 05 01:44:25 UTC 2016  <asciilifeform>   e.g., the foo bar example,

Mon Dec 28 00:43:01 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   !up Foo___

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