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Matches for from:ascii* eizo, 23 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

15-02-2016 13:15:57  <asciilifeform>   http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-02-2016#1405999 >> https://fortunedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/her09-15_b_lo-res2.jpg?quality=80 << l0l, 2x eizo 'colouredge' !111

28-10-2015 21:24:51  <ascii_field>   eizo and barco.

28-10-2015 21:19:28  <ascii_field>   then buy eizo colouredge.

28-10-2015 21:18:19  <ascii_field>   hey even i can afford a eizo

16-09-2015 15:54:32  <asciilifeform>   kakobrekla: on eizo ?!

16-09-2015 15:45:22  <asciilifeform>   one more thing 'eizo' got right.

16-09-2015 14:39:03  <asciilifeform>   the only two makers of lcd that i ever saw making anything other than disposable garbage are eizo and barco.

16-09-2015 14:38:26  <asciilifeform>   http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-09-2015#1276242 << THIS is why i only buy 'eizo' panels.

14-09-2015 17:12:51  <ascii_field>   http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-09-2015#1273667 << if it addresses 128GB of ECC RAM, and drives my wall of 'eizo's, then i'm in.

03-09-2015 22:39:28  <ascii_field>   mircea_popescu: unless you have a 'eizo' or 'barco', those numbers have very tenuous relation to physical reality

17-08-2015 21:30:50  <ascii_field>   idk about this 'enchroma', but i got the opposite: my 'eizo' lcd panels have a button that selectably simulates two types of colour blindness...

30-05-2015 02:45:48  <asciilifeform>   thinking of buying three more of the gdm-5402 and replacing my 'eizo's

30-04-2015 20:52:39  <ascii_field>   e.g., lightly used 'eizo' lcd for 500 instead of 1500

02-12-2014 02:15:48  <asciilifeform>   eizo, opium of the eye

02-12-2014 02:15:06  <asciilifeform>   lol, i've quite the collection of freshly minted 'paperweights' here (all the retiring non-eizo panels)

02-12-2014 02:06:51  <asciilifeform>   so here's a poor man's mega-lol. i buy two 'eizo' sx2462w monsters. both show up, were packed in new, m0d3rn expanding chemical foam. one - properly. other - with all the foam on one side of crate. naturally, frame cracked, 'bullet hole' of dead blue pixel on crystal.

21-11-2014 05:22:56  <asciilifeform>   afaik everything presently on the market, with exception of eizo's 'colour-edge' series, uses dithering.

06-11-2014 00:46:33  <asciilifeform>   'eizo' makes tolerable lcd.

11-09-2014 05:44:12  <asciilifeform>   decimation: 'eizo' and 'barco' make almost usable lcds, for those applications

14-03-2014 17:29:31  <asciilifeform>   the proper 'eizo' can be had used/surplus for $1k or so.

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