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Matches for from:asciilifeform wake me up when, 58 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

15-03-2017 13:52:48  <asciilifeform>   http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-03-2017#1468290 << 'responsible' disobedience, that's rich. wake me up when trump, or isis, is awarded the prize.

03-07-2016 20:01:14  <asciilifeform>   wake me up when yer non-cults accomplish something, folx.

27-05-2016 14:53:47  <asciilifeform>   wake me up when you have thoughts, vs tilt, kako. tilt is a snore.

18-05-2016 18:38:16  <asciilifeform>   thestringpuller: wake me up when you find the way to bake cpu in kitchen.

29-03-2016 01:38:31  <asciilifeform>   wake me up when they're handing out free passports in the countries of kakobrekla and nubbins` , where health isn't $800/mo

22-03-2016 20:15:14  <asciilifeform>   wake me up when it's 100 lines TOTAL

02-03-2016 00:14:55  <asciilifeform>   wake me up when it's time for the keccak knife.

28-02-2016 16:32:29  <asciilifeform>   http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-02-2016#1417284 << wake me up when there is a 'lengthy public inquiry' into michael hastings. or slobo milosevich. or, ......

24-02-2016 19:49:27  <asciilifeform>   mircea_popescu: re: the contest, i can speak only for myself, but i've had enough. wake me up when you've also had enough.

19-02-2016 20:49:23  <asciilifeform>   wake me up when you find the shangri-la where the inhabitants aren't moo.

15-02-2016 13:28:34  <asciilifeform>   wake me up when they start making ones with faces.

10-02-2016 01:58:01  <asciilifeform>   wake me up when nsa list, sorted by directorate, leaks.

05-02-2016 03:25:04  <asciilifeform>   wake me up when i can physically move into it.

31-01-2016 18:39:41  <asciilifeform>   but really wake me up when it knows how to eat patchballs from www or ftp etc

30-01-2016 16:12:14  <asciilifeform>   wake me up when an arm is designed on an arm workstation. anywhere on the planet.

28-01-2016 12:51:40  <asciilifeform>   wake me up when basic roquefort, basic country house, and basic electron microscope.

25-01-2016 14:38:03  <asciilifeform>   wake me up when they have captured nato soldiers write the pubkey out in the sand with the blood of own severed hands.

23-01-2016 14:25:38  <asciilifeform>   and wake me up when they ~make~ a tank.

23-01-2016 04:15:34  <asciilifeform>   wake me up when the he-men create so much as a 'aa' battery.

23-01-2016 03:51:06  <asciilifeform>   wake me up from my grave when, e.g., the gunpowder fashion, dies down.

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