Matches for from:mircea_popescu pastebin, 63 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
13-10-2015 14:45:47 <mircea_popescu> imo the right play would be to stop refreshing and move to a "provide your pubkey in pastebin" model. prhaps even to be enhanced to a "ask someone in wot to sign your pubkey and give it to assbot" later. too soon for that imo.
15-09-2015 19:09:02 <mircea_popescu> ascii_field> and what is ~his~ assurance that i won't immediately pastebin the goods << you ever heard of teh wot ?
05-08-2015 14:25:29 <mircea_popescu> jurov what if the only way to add an edit is "deedbot pastebin/soandso" ?
28-04-2015 13:25:51 <mircea_popescu> << i can't fucvking believe you actually put a translation you made in a pastebin.
25-03-2015 23:32:45 <mircea_popescu> pastebin ips ?
12-03-2015 02:39:03 <mircea_popescu> * asciilifeform pronounced fatwa on 'pastebin' << kakobrekla said we're supposed to use dpaste.
22-02-2015 03:09:18 <mircea_popescu> the pastebin
04-02-2015 23:25:41 <mircea_popescu> yeh yeh. dunno how pastebin crept back in.
04-02-2015 22:38:19 <mircea_popescu> cazalla: re: pastebin submissions, can we please use email? google snatches these up quick and pastebin gets the credit for the content << oops sorry bout that.
03-02-2015 16:40:45 <mircea_popescu> jurov << pastebin of original
15-01-2015 06:50:31 <mircea_popescu> pastebin wtf.
09-01-2015 02:30:57 <mircea_popescu> on the plus side, since we have the signed pastebin thing down pat by now,
07-01-2015 07:28:48 <mircea_popescu> ben_vulpes no but recall the thing itself i refer to. a pastebin contract was in fact proferred.
07-01-2015 04:48:45 <mircea_popescu> asciilifeform then put it in a pastebin
06-01-2015 21:29:40 <mircea_popescu> anyway, includes a pastebin of the #freenode discussion etc.
06-01-2015 20:43:38 <mircea_popescu> bitstein thanks for the pastebin.
11-12-2014 07:58:06 <mircea_popescu> it'd decript somethinmg you got off a pastebin for you, but obviously it can't guarantee the computer you're on won't read your memo too
17-11-2014 16:10:49 <mircea_popescu> Adlai: i'm not a huge fan of leaving open the door to known-cleartext snooping through pastebin verification << le explain ?
15-11-2014 05:38:07 <mircea_popescu> anyway, this is proving impossible to debug, people not seeing it pls to pastebin traceroutes at the time you don't see it.
13-11-2014 23:03:29 <mircea_popescu> mebbe use a pastebin next time.