Matches for from:ninjashogun raise, 6 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
Wed Jul 02 21:15:01 UTC 2014 <ninjashogun> For traditoinal companies, that have at least 2 years of net revenues, it's typical to raise "RBF" (revenue based financing) at a multiple of up to 5x, meaning that it will be returned until 5x has been returned. And that is with substantially reduced risk. (2 years of real cash flow.)
Wed Mar 19 22:16:11 UTC 2014 <ninjashogun> so rather than raise a traditional angel round of investment, you directly pay for the users, who "know" they are the product, to upload. Having 10,000 senior, lead, etc, technical profiles, is worth a substantial amount for the company, as well as enabling b2b deals etc.
Mon Mar 17 23:55:11 UTC 2014 <ninjashogun> just a few include: angellist, kickstarter and indiegogo, sell gold or points, b2b deals or referral fees, there is even crypto stock if you want to raise online funds.
Wed Mar 05 01:22:57 UTC 2014 <ninjashogun> e.g. rather than raise $250K via an angel investor, or $4M in a Series A, that both of these could be done 100% via the bitcoin ecosystem?
Tue Mar 04 22:14:59 UTC 2014 <ninjashogun> which is why I wuold not raise external money for it - it is a small amount I would use as a bridge loan. But your thinking is correct, asciilifeform
Tue Mar 04 22:13:27 UTC 2014 <ninjashogun> to myself, as a personal loan. I would like to do it this way because the company has become much more valuable, has assigned IP assets, etc. It doesn't make sense to raise a small amount of company by the company.