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Matches for from:mircea_popescu, 253931 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Sat Jan 31 08:47:20 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   see, there's a stereotype of a dumb blonde, there isn't a stereotype of a hot blonde.

Sat Jan 31 08:49:33 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   even if they're both meaningful constructions, they're not both stereotypical constructions. a good test being, of course, translation.

Sat Jan 31 08:50:13 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   there's a lot more to it than that. big boobs, tall, a certain mouth shape...

Sat Jan 31 08:50:36 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   she dun has to be surrounded by friends, heck, she's often alone, protected by the magic of her idiot ball

Sat Jan 31 08:51:50 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   anyway, stereotypy's mostly a literary device. the poor man's term of art, if you will.

Sat Jan 31 08:53:39 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   anyway, back to the problems of the stereotypical jew : same problem as shared by all middle eastern cultures, from bulgaria to iran : that the woman is overimportant in the culture. unlike the other eastern cultures however, the jew has very little means to address this problem. can't quite start stoning innocent girls in the road.

Sat Jan 31 08:53:50 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   and so, he's stuck with liberal binging

Sat Jan 31 08:55:01 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   myeah. "frantic exertion as a decoy for impotence", as teh tlp guy likes to say

Sat Jan 31 08:56:01 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   fluffypony lol the narrator makes it

Sat Jan 31 08:56:55 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-q_XCDDUF8 << whale's made a video about what mistakes seagulls make.

Sat Jan 31 08:58:18 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   <pete_dushenski> so how does titling an article "the problems of stupid people" circumvent this term of art ? << which term ? and nah, it doesn't.

Sat Jan 31 09:02:06 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   anyway, to save teh noobs : in no case am i proposing that the bizarro atrocities of the muslims, stereotypically grouped above under " stoning innocent girls in the road" are an effectual approach to the problem [of overrepresentation of woman in their own mental space]. it clearly doesn't work, but then again it's clearly what they're trying. and obviously it's not the god damned women's fault that dudes are all hang

Sat Jan 31 09:02:06 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   up on them, conceptually, either.

Sat Jan 31 09:04:11 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   eh, recruiting boys to do something sutpid is like finding flies to go on shit.

Sat Jan 31 09:05:23 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   pete_dushenski nevertheless, examine teh devices side by side. muslim boy is like "you must wear the tablecloth on your head lest there's weird stuff that scares me going on in my head". jew boy is like "mom you must not be disappointed in me or else there's weird stuff that scares me going on in my head"

Sat Jan 31 09:05:32 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   it's really not THAT different. which is why they fucking hate each other.

Sat Jan 31 09:07:11 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   more like "the right way to treat neurosis with home remedies"

Sat Jan 31 09:07:20 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   obviously, there can only be one.

Sat Jan 31 09:08:18 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   but honestly, either beats the english "if you ever enjoy anything you will die" nonsense.

Sat Jan 31 09:08:38 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   it's shocking how the stupidest of european peoples managed to steal and run off with the stupidest corner of jewish religion

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