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Matches for gallium, 30 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Tue Jun 10 14:35:59 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   http://www.ebay.com/itm/One-or-two-ounces-of-Contaminated-Gallium-Liquid-Metal-READ-/321427316761?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4ad68fa019

Tue Jun 10 14:26:17 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   that's actually the part that intrigues me - how do we fake gallium

Tue Jun 10 14:24:43 UTC 2014  <jurov>   there are other amalgams not suitable as solder, but for faking gallium in closed container something can be certainly though of

Tue Jun 10 08:42:53 UTC 2014  <jurov>   BingoBoingo asciilifeform according to pediwikia gallium is incredibly sticky and messy once it melts, and rather poisonous...so, no chains nor cutlery

Tue Jun 10 03:33:36 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   BingoBoingo: why silver is the white metal everyone seems to horde and not gallium << Ga is typically found in bauxite, so it had to wait for cheap Al refinement.

Tue Jun 10 01:35:32 UTC 2014  <BingoBoingo>   asciilifeform: I wonder why silver is the white metal everyone seems to horde and not gallium.

Wed May 28 02:40:49 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   naive engineer / worker bee might imagine that 'next wave' is gallium arsenide, eldrich optical cpu, etc. - but nope.

Sun Jan 12 03:14:39 UTC 2014  <nubbins`>   Vexual: well, when the value explodes in the future, you can't just sell your gallium coins to samsung or w/e

Mon Nov 04 15:59:55 UTC 2013  <asciilifeform>   or, anybody still alive knows how to wrangle gallium arsenide logic?

Fri Oct 25 03:29:42 UTC 2013  <asciilifeform>   it could also look like a 1m by 1m cube of gallium arsenide optical logic, bathed in liquid He

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