Matches for get bits, 39 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
Tue Jun 06 16:30:52 UTC 2017 <punkman> kakobrekla: only did full water fast one day, wasn't too bad though. eating like a banana/orange in the morning, some vegetables at night. some bits of cheese, nuts, fish to get some salt. maybe around 1/10th of the usual calories.
Thu Mar 17 15:50:23 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> this because 2 bits = 2^2 = 4. had the shift been 17 bits, then you'd get to do 2^17 = 131072 old style hashings for each new style digest you calculate.
Sun Feb 28 17:13:25 UTC 2016 <phf> ben_vulpes: get-difficulty is a straight rip of the c from bitcoinrpc.cpp << correct way to do that one is to write get-index-best that returns block-index structure that you can get bits value from, and then have get-difficulty do all the equivalent calculations in scheme, bitshifting and all
Tue Jan 19 18:49:24 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> "I'm going back to the frozen north, where the pricks are hard and strong. Back to the land of the all-night stand-where the nights are six months long, where you get it in bits as hard as tin in the land where spunk is spunk - not a trickling stream of lukewarm cream, but a solid frozen chunk."
Thu Nov 05 23:13:17 UTC 2015 <mircea_popescu> same thing happens to me, i get various bits i end up keeping for a long time.
Fri Sep 25 02:14:08 UTC 2015 <assbot> Get Bits: Get bitcoin from your friends. ... ( )
Thu Sep 03 17:03:39 UTC 2015 <ascii_field> << how might one have, physically, low-latency without high bandwidth? you could serialize the bits, and immediately get the other. it is only high bandwidth that does not automatically imply low latency
Wed Sep 02 21:22:45 UTC 2015 <shinohai> I love my tech, don't get me wrong. But a few nights in the desert or mountains does wonders for clearing away the clutter amongst the little grey bits.
Thu Aug 20 14:30:51 UTC 2015 <mod6> hanbot: << picked the renaming bits out of here, worked for me, thanks. did not get the syntax error! << ahh ok thanks for the update. glad you didn't get the error. my ubuntu needs to go to glue factory.
Thu Aug 20 13:18:01 UTC 2015 <assbot> Logged on 20-08-2015 06:38:34; hanbot: <mod6> so i ended up chaging the file name to "" + chmod 0755, and then changing the script so it reads: " a b > genesis.vpatch" << picked the renaming bits out of here, worked for me, thanks. did not get the syntax error!
Thu Aug 20 06:38:34 UTC 2015 <hanbot> <mod6> so i ended up chaging the file name to "" + chmod 0755, and then changing the script so it reads: " a b > genesis.vpatch" << picked the renaming bits out of here, worked for me, thanks. did not get the syntax error!
Thu Aug 06 00:01:24 UTC 2015 <asciilifeform> trinque: setting '-peers' for nodes which 1) don't obey 'misbehave' bits 2) get served PRIORITY regardless of what
Wed Jul 29 21:42:08 UTC 2015 <diana_coman> and bits of nothing are like 11-12 satoshi or you'll prolly get some for free from someone (me even)
Wed Jul 29 20:51:15 UTC 2015 <shinohai> "get paid in quality bits of nothing" <<< Dogecoin ?
Wed Jul 29 20:46:09 UTC 2015 <jurov> and get paid in quality bits of nothing ;D
Wed Jul 08 17:59:56 UTC 2015 <ascii_field> 'We have enough bits mapped that we can create a functional verilog model for almost all bitstreams generated by Lattice iCEcube2 for the iCE40 HX1K-TQ144, as long as no block memories or PLLs are used. ' << wake me up when that last part changes. and when i can get this chip from ten different chinese foundries.
Tue Jul 07 19:47:58 UTC 2015 <ascii_field> and get more bits back (to victim, that is) than you had to send.
Mon Jun 29 02:12:27 UTC 2015 <assbot> Logged on 29-06-2015 00:50:35; mats: i'd be happy to share a few bits to encourage folks to get one
Mon Jun 29 00:50:35 UTC 2015 <mats> i'd be happy to share a few bits to encourage folks to get one
Fri May 22 20:34:04 UTC 2015 <jurov> so ben_vulpes will then use camera to get the random bits off osciloscope?