Matches for gravity well, 43 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
26-03-2016 03:36:44 <assbot> Logged on 25-03-2016 20:48:10; pete_dushenski: this 'protection'/extortion business model could be just the gravity well extractor that guys like asciilifeform need. it can even be done from laptop on beach!
25-03-2016 20:48:10 <pete_dushenski> this 'protection'/extortion business model could be just the gravity well extractor that guys like asciilifeform need. it can even be done from laptop on beach!
06-03-2016 14:08:54 <asciilifeform> this is referred to as 'breaking out of gravity well'
09-02-2016 13:12:32 <asciilifeform> !s gravity well
09-02-2016 13:12:32 <assbot> 38 results for 'gravity well' :
18-12-2015 00:56:26 <BingoBoingo> There is a rabbit hole, or mebbe gravity well to fall into
08-07-2015 02:39:01 <assbot> algorithms - How does the Kimoto Gravity Well regulate difficulty? - Bitcoin Stack Exchange ... ( )
08-07-2015 02:39:00 <asciilifeform> << not related either to my idea or to pogo. mechanism used in one crackpot altcoin to dispense with need for absolute clock
15-06-2015 20:16:38 <asciilifeform> i notice a tendency among #b-a folks to dwell on 'convince folks to leave gravity well.' well, guess what, i was convinced 15+ yrs ago, before ever met you lot. and fat lot of good it did
13-03-2015 06:37:39 <mircea_popescu> Fartse - The World's Premiere Gravity Well Degravitizer.
12-03-2015 19:56:16 <asciilifeform> but otherwise a nearly obvious description of what a gravity well even is
12-03-2015 19:55:20 <mircea_popescu> the reason you find it so hard to escape the gravity well is in no small part due to the fact that you;ve spent many decades making the wrong decisions and they're a bitch to undo.
06-03-2015 21:19:30 <asciilifeform> trinque: escape from gravity well is the most personal matter imaginable
06-03-2015 21:18:18 <trinque> asciilifeform: I'd think there's enough talent right here to escape a gravity well
03-03-2015 07:06:56 <pete_dushenski> "When deep in nitty gritty of development you sometimes forget quite how world-altering the technology you’re creating is, which is probably just as well since the gravity of the matter at hand would be continually distracting. "
02-03-2015 01:18:49 <assbot> 26 results for 'gravity well' :
02-03-2015 01:18:48 <gabriel_laddel> !s gravity well
07-02-2015 02:49:29 <trinque> if I ever make it out of the gravity well I'd love to get an actual education.
09-01-2015 07:56:06 <BingoBoingo> It's mostly just a mind fuck documenting the behavior of a gravity well from a non-astronomical perspective.
11-12-2014 04:24:36 <undata> however, it might be adaptive to have a touch of it; would I keep working towards escaping the gravity well if I wasn't certain I can accomplish it?