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Matches for grok, 172 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Fri Oct 07 17:36:14 UTC 2016  <funkenstein_>   anybody grok this mimblewimble thing? https://download.wpsoftware.net/bitcoin/wizardry/mimblewimble.pdf

Wed Oct 05 18:08:27 UTC 2016  <funkenstein_>   i've been trying to grok this zcash thing

Mon Mar 28 16:53:46 UTC 2016  <phf>   what i mean is that i don't grok all the strutting. i understand you guys hate mp for various reasons, but this channel has been driven by the guy for the past two years

Sun Mar 20 18:00:58 UTC 2016  <phf>   as manifest in every "my first crypto", this is so convoluted i can't grok it, surely nobody else can

Sat Mar 19 14:33:47 UTC 2016  <phf>   apropos, one thing that i couldn't quite grok moving to u.s., how the children of odessa expats (read isaac babel for example about jewish gangsters of odessa) turned into sniveling woody allen clones

Fri Mar 11 21:22:05 UTC 2016  <nubbins`>   if cannot grok numbers, try grokking universe

Wed Mar 09 04:36:26 UTC 2016  <BingoBoingo>   <asciilifeform> and whats with the derps walking hunched in front of the camera << It's a common reflex among people who don't grok how cameras work in relation to their body.

Wed Mar 02 15:54:44 UTC 2016  <mircea_popescu>   why's this so hard to grok, somehow ?

Fri Feb 26 14:34:41 UTC 2016  <phf>   ben_vulpes: http://www.winestockwebdesign.com/Essays/Lisp_Curse.html << i am surprised that this has not yet been linked here << it's a whole genre, with roots in usenet days. "~i~ of course grok lisp, but the masses won't, so i use perl, which is as good, so ya'll should stop whatever you're doing". has the standard reaction of "where the fuck are you idiots coming from". naggum gained his notoriety mostly by arguing with these people,

Thu Feb 25 18:44:25 UTC 2016  <phf>   you don't seem to grok how "mediated" works in this case, you or your tour is assigned a dedicated kgb handler and a politruk. if you're not part of tour, then you are assigned those. personally. sop for any sort of interaction with outsiders. politruk is ~personally responsible~ for you not doing anything dodgy. your level of artificial integration depends on how important you are and how experienced your handlers are at running this

Sat Feb 20 20:01:04 UTC 2016  <pete_dushenski>   on mailing list ? but ya, i'm stretching mod6's position, one i don't totally grok myself

Sun Feb 07 09:26:27 UTC 2016  <adlai>   re:CL, i suggest at some point taking http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382968 seriously and going over the spec cover to cover, not to grok its content, but rather - the structure

Sat Feb 06 13:54:17 UTC 2016  <BingoBoingo>   From people who don't grok the whole network latency deal.

Tue Feb 02 02:09:30 UTC 2016  <mod6>   in the case of v, if she had created a patch, and she was the only one who signed it and her key expired tomorrow, well, someone better grok it and sign it who's in the current lordship

Tue Feb 02 01:15:12 UTC 2016  <mod6>   <+mircea_popescu> ben_vulpes mod6 if teh esteemed foundation'd give an opinion on http://trilema.com/2016/the-necessary-prerequisite-for-any-change-to-the-bitcoin-protocol/ kthx. << I'm reading through the post, must grok.

Sun Jan 31 02:08:21 UTC 2016  <mod6>   <+mircea_popescu> so in this sense mod6 it has my imprimatur that bothering to grok it isn't a waste of your finite time. << yeah, agreed, Sir.

Sun Jan 31 02:07:16 UTC 2016  <mircea_popescu>   so in this sense mod6 it has my imprimatur that bothering to grok it isn't a waste of your finite time.

Fri Jan 29 20:34:48 UTC 2016  <mircea_popescu>   phf this is worthy goal and a pretty effectual approach even if it doesn't get used for anything post-grok

Fri Jan 29 20:34:24 UTC 2016  <phf>   (all this v talk past few days, i decided to sit down and grok, so Writin My Own V (tm)(c) at the moment)

Fri Jan 29 20:23:42 UTC 2016  <phf>   ascii_butugychag: i am speaking of vpatches, i'm starting to grok that mp is speaking at a different level of abstraction

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