Matches for herbi*, 4182 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
19-01-2016 21:26:06 <BingoBoingo> <ascii_butugychag> i can't walk into a shop and buy 'gmo food', i can buy crud soaked in monsanto herbicide << this
19-01-2016 21:23:01 <ascii_butugychag> i can't walk into a shop and buy 'gmo food', i can buy crud soaked in monsanto herbicide
10-01-2016 05:13:38 <bitstein> My molars certainly don't look like those of herbivores.
12-12-2015 07:33:31 <adlai> seems to have stolen a leaf from the book of ,,seen herbijudlestoids
07-12-2015 03:35:52 <ben_vulpes> even vexual remembers herbi
07-12-2015 03:28:37 <ben_vulpes> heya herbi
07-12-2015 03:27:21 <herbijudlestoids> hows life, assets!
07-12-2015 03:27:00 <herbijudlestoids> i was in the neighbourhood and thought id drop in
07-12-2015 03:26:48 <herbijudlestoids> hello hello hello
20-11-2015 22:53:30 <BingoBoingo> Frankly there are far more effective herbicides now than there were in the agent orange days
09-11-2015 23:38:42 <BingoBoingo> FU I apply my own lawn herbicides
20-10-2015 21:49:35 <mircea_popescu> the eternal fantasy is, "omnivore basically means herbivore, rite ?"
17-10-2015 17:54:20 <asciilifeform> and mircea_popescu will not hesitate to remind the victim that it is his own fault for not having been born in afghan and fucked sufficiently many goats to innoculate him against herbivoricity
17-10-2015 17:44:42 <asciilifeform> how do the herbivores play into it ?
17-10-2015 17:43:53 <mircea_popescu> behaviour manifest in herbivores ffs.
04-08-2015 18:29:51 <assbot> Logged on 05-02-2014 03:57:45; mircea_popescu: herbijudlestoids if you care, is formally incorrect on the listing of romania
28-06-2015 19:21:48 <mircea_popescu> ideally you start it with a good offering of herbivore droppings.
18-06-2015 14:08:13 <pete_dushenski> probably like infected ant who crawls to top of plant to be eaten by herbivore
26-05-2015 00:54:37 <asciilifeform> mircea_popescu: 'makes' in the sense that herbicide creates resistant weeds etc
20-05-2015 04:47:44 <gribble> herbijudlestoids was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 13 weeks, 3 days, 23 hours, 41 minutes, and 43 seconds ago: <herbijudlestoids> brb.