Matches for how the world works, 149 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
Wed May 03 14:51:30 UTC 2017 <funkenstein_> Perhaps its just "people fooled me when I was younger, that's just how the world works. Only thing there is to do is try to fool other people"
Mon Mar 14 23:38:09 UTC 2016 <kakobrekla> phf you cant have responsibility without liability; no skin in the game - no game. if nothing else, it creates a set of bad incentives. this is how fiat world works and we collectively despise that.
Mon Mar 14 15:50:33 UTC 2016 <ben_vulpes> << << upon consideration the (absurd! ridiculous! i don't understand how the world works!) schelling point is for kakobrekla and mircea_popescu to split the haul
Sat Mar 12 00:09:18 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> the path to mp world starts by now fucking having an opinion about how swift works when you've sent a grand total of... 0 ? 10 ? what is it ?
Tue Mar 08 18:12:26 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> because apparently i don't know how the world works, and haven't properly groked the memo about how "reality is enacted by convention" or somesuch.
Sat Mar 05 21:12:36 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> and sure, you can blame the miners. the problem is - the design sort-of forced this endgame upon them. i doubt most of the chinese even understand ~what went wrong~, in the very faint general, letalone in this specific ~what we did wrong~. by the chinese bible they were being very reasonable and i just don't understand how the world works. ach ach my dear fellow mp.
Sat Mar 05 03:15:46 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> i don't think you understand how the world works.
Thu Feb 18 00:43:09 UTC 2016 <ben_vulpes> mircea_popescu: you just don't understand how the world works
Tue Feb 02 15:19:50 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> which is how the entire world (except brazil) enjoys the benefits of refrigeration, even as there's maybe a guy in a thousand people that could explain how it actually works.
Mon Feb 01 16:37:27 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> why. because that's how the whole world was built. and how it works when it works.
Tue Jan 26 17:18:54 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> shut up you don't understand how the world works.
Sun Jan 24 22:07:56 UTC 2016 <thestringpuller> Working on a winblowz box is the worst experience ever. I did so for 1.5 years writing JBoss web applets. Everyone thought "Oh you can run the dev environment in windows, well you're crazy. THIS IS HOW THE WORLD WORKS" to which I would revolt saying, "Your development process is insane which is why you spent 2.5 mil bringing in AGILE consultants to reduce your bottom line, which didn't fix any of the real problems."
Sat Jan 23 19:03:13 UTC 2016 <asciilifeform> 'how the world works!111' (tm)
Tue Jan 19 02:05:15 UTC 2016 <ben_vulpes> gosh mircea_popescu you just don't understand how the world works do you
Fri Jan 08 19:27:23 UTC 2016 <thestringpuller> 19 year olds are all whiney "I'm going to change the world by doing X, but I have no idea how the world works so I'm just going to ignore that part!!!!11"
Fri Jan 08 16:32:18 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> kinda how the world works. typical strip club makes more money selling titshelf space than it does selling booze
Sun Jan 03 03:49:36 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> <pete_dushenski> seriously, what leader of the free world ? he isn't the leader of his own backyard. <<< generally that's how this "civilisation" business works. you may have the fetish of power if and only if you abandon all power. serve the system as it were.
Wed Dec 30 21:37:39 UTC 2015 <pete_dushenski> "All of this adds up to a multifaceted perception problem for those of us who are operating legitimate businesses that are dependent on Bitcoin. Both trustworthiness and terminology matter." << bitcoin clearly needs more marketing from chuck et al., only then can bitcoin truly succeed as a tool for fiat banks to understand how the world works.
Mon Dec 28 21:32:06 UTC 2015 <ben_vulpes> how the world works
Sun Dec 06 18:42:50 UTC 2015 <BingoBoingo> <ascii_field> agents of dropped-as-a-baby << dropped as baby tends to lead to honest idiocy, not reimagineer how the world works wishdiocy