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Matches for incompetence, 135 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Thu Jan 04 19:06:56 UTC 2018  <HighInBC>   that is not journalistic incompetence, it is intentional dishonesty

Tue Feb 21 08:30:39 UTC 2017  <assbot>   Stathis Kalyvas sur Twitter : "Lessons I learned from Greece #1: abysmal incompetence of populist government leads many to mistaken belief it will be over quickly" ... ( http://bit.ly/2kTQZXH )

Fri Apr 15 06:38:08 UTC 2016  <assbot>   Logged on 15-04-2016 01:33:22; kakobrekla: you also might want to ask 'but wai kako wai??' and i can tell you that it brings me no pleasure that the schmucks who got the double payment are going to get away with it victorious and would rather do something more interesting. in fact i personally would rather see that mp gets the difference even though he has shown absolute incompetence in handling bitcoin payments and is the actual culprit of this

Fri Apr 15 01:33:22 UTC 2016  <kakobrekla>   you also might want to ask 'but wai kako wai??' and i can tell you that it brings me no pleasure that the schmucks who got the double payment are going to get away with it victorious and would rather do something more interesting. in fact i personally would rather see that mp gets the difference even though he has shown absolute incompetence in handling bitcoin payments and is the actual culprit of this satirical liquidation of bb while

Wed Mar 23 18:47:17 UTC 2016  <nubbins`>   then you're back to straight-up incompetence, releasing two separate-input tx's into the wild for the same bill.

Fri Mar 11 21:00:25 UTC 2016  <asciilifeform>   if incompetence is indistinguishable from wrecking, it ~IS~ wrecking.

Fri Mar 11 20:59:33 UTC 2016  <asciilifeform>   i suppose it was all incompetence.

Fri Mar 11 20:47:06 UTC 2016  <jurov>   i have not seen anything that can't be explained by gross incompetence

Mon Mar 07 21:01:19 UTC 2016  <nubbins`>   danielpbarron you're assuming this was not borne of incompetence

Mon Mar 07 17:05:40 UTC 2016  <nubbins`>   jurov incompetence

Fri Feb 19 17:23:37 UTC 2016  <mircea_popescu>   it's merely a question of incompetence, not of will.

Sun Jan 31 16:55:38 UTC 2016  <mircea_popescu>   takes me straight to "The #bitcoin-assets aristocracy is not incompetent. Whether in anyone's estimation others not named are just as or even more competent is immaterial : arbitrariety is not the problem, incompetence is."

Sun Jan 17 17:00:24 UTC 2016  <mircea_popescu>   thestringpuller true incompetence has a major advantage - it disperses.

Wed Dec 30 18:32:06 UTC 2015  <mats>   it is fitting the fella that won pulitzer for reporting on my lai, penned the piece on potus incompetence in syria

Sat Nov 14 16:41:00 UTC 2015  <shinohai>   Every problem needs a scapegoat to cover incompetence !

Sat Sep 19 03:20:56 UTC 2015  <asciilifeform>   and yes, incompetence. i do not have the competences of mircea_popescu, this is not a seekrit.

Sat Sep 19 03:20:41 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   consequently, /me suspects that this is more an artefact of incompetence and fear than actual nature.

Sun Sep 13 00:45:18 UTC 2015  <ben_vulpes>   that just speaks to the incompetence of your own managerial staff.

Tue Aug 25 01:18:56 UTC 2015  <*>   Adlai finds himself confused; must be that incompetence, acting up again

Sat Jul 04 00:24:29 UTC 2015  <shinohai>   "due to there incompetence in securing there system" >>> http://redd.it/3c1n6r

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