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Matches for javascript, 428 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Tue May 24 22:09:35 UTC 2016  <pankkake>   http://dannybrewster.com/blog/ a month old, but couldn't find it in the logs (TW: needs javascript)

Tue Mar 22 23:10:30 UTC 2016  <*>   davout recently learned that PDF could contain javascript

Sun Mar 20 15:48:04 UTC 2016  <assbot>   Logged on 20-03-2016 15:31:18; phf: there's a very vocal minority trying to get it into emacs as a replacement for elisp, you'll have an elisp emulation layer, but you can also have javascript emulation layer!!1

Sun Mar 20 15:31:18 UTC 2016  <phf>   there's a very vocal minority trying to get it into emacs as a replacement for elisp, you'll have an elisp emulation layer, but you can also have javascript emulation layer!!1

Fri Mar 11 04:03:25 UTC 2016  <phf>   i think "full stack" "web" etc. jobs are primarily shit not because you have to hack javascript or manage imbeciles, but because they have notoriously shit pay-time ratios. 9-5-5 for 140k and 1 week vacation? better fucking shoot me

Thu Mar 03 15:17:57 UTC 2016  <jurov>   so it's prolly the same with chromium's javascript engine

Thu Mar 03 03:08:46 UTC 2016  <mircea_popescu>   phf usually "women in gaming" is a supercharged "women in javascript" thing. very politically driven drivel.

Thu Mar 03 03:07:37 UTC 2016  <phf>   ftr i've worked with female programmers, on average not better or worse then males, who would've thought. i've also briefly worked with "women in javascript" and they are predominantly wreckers

Thu Mar 03 03:04:05 UTC 2016  <phf>   mircea_popescu: but it's not written in javascript

Thu Mar 03 02:55:00 UTC 2016  <mircea_popescu>   phf> lunix on desktop! women in javascript! ubuntu! << you know eulora is pretty much 100% woman-made.

Thu Mar 03 01:46:07 UTC 2016  <phf>   lunix on desktop! women in javascript! ubuntu!

Tue Mar 01 14:17:51 UTC 2016  <mircea_popescu>   well, basically the story of eth is, "what if we made a b-a, except not on irc but in a spare closet at a usg-sponsored university, and we tried to get idiot kids on reddit excited and inept javascript developers contributing code and MAKE A BETTER BITCOIN in the sense that it'll suck where bitcoin hurts us."

Sun Feb 28 16:41:57 UTC 2016  <assbot>   Logged on 28-02-2016 15:11:22; mircea_popescu: i've been spending the ~week since the various selectatron discussions meditating on the problem. i do not believe javascript is rescuable. not withstanding all the effort derps put into it, javascript is fundamentally a broken idea that for this reason can never be useful.

Sun Feb 28 16:09:43 UTC 2016  <shinohai>   https://github.com/indutny/bcoin#features <<< broken javascript, now with segwit support :D

Sun Feb 28 15:11:22 UTC 2016  <mircea_popescu>   i've been spending the ~week since the various selectatron discussions meditating on the problem. i do not believe javascript is rescuable. not withstanding all the effort derps put into it, javascript is fundamentally a broken idea that for this reason can never be useful.

Sun Feb 28 14:49:43 UTC 2016  <mircea_popescu>   so goes my faint, if generous but doomed attempt to rescue javascript.

Sun Feb 28 07:42:51 UTC 2016  <ben_vulpes>   myup, looks like y'all got a wad of javascript

Fri Feb 26 05:49:14 UTC 2016  <mircea_popescu>   javascript!

Fri Feb 26 05:48:50 UTC 2016  <mircea_popescu>   "With some justice, JavaScript has been described as "Scheme in C's clothing" despite originating in those cube farm hells."

Wed Feb 24 08:53:29 UTC 2016  <punkman>   "mircea_popescu: however a lot of leeway is available re shitty sites. i honestly couldn't care less what "functionality" is lost through js being discarded out of hand, for instance. << archive.is (as a browsing tool) seems useless without javascript, might as well render the page in lynx/dilla/modern browser with js disabled.

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