Matches for just because from:mircea_popescu, 549 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
Sun Mar 20 23:50:19 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> looky, that nonsense isn't going to snivel into factuality just because butthurt. chinese miner conspiracy is a fact, undisputed and accepted as such.
Fri Mar 18 17:06:48 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> asciilifeform and you know this for a fact ? maybe the profusion is just because people like encapsulated things.
Fri Mar 18 14:47:48 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo you know he has a point tho, just because someone stole or didn't stole it, what's that to you ?
Fri Mar 18 14:17:51 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> and 2. IF you want to argue against something i said, do yourself the favour and BRING VERY GOOD ARGUMENTS. because your own personal word will count for nothing much, and you'll just make a clown out of yourself.
Fri Mar 18 14:13:12 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> and in general this inept "mp said something ; i said something else because i'm just as much a X as mp" is the font of ineptitude.
Thu Mar 17 14:55:05 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> asciilifeform just because one whore was easy doesn't mean all whores are going to be as easy.
Wed Mar 16 15:00:06 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> because it clearly IS part of the books, right ? trivially enumerable, as it is. just not easy to evaluate.
Wed Mar 16 11:11:22 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> might as well say "it's because pogos", which would be equally flattering just in a different direction and otherwise equally afield.
Thu Mar 10 22:07:25 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> just moreso, because machinery > real estate ever since the industrial revolution.
Wed Mar 09 13:57:22 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> mircea_popescu> and more importantly, because once expressed the current situation becomes tolerable << INtolerable, obviously. and in all fields. much like a smoky kitchen wall is tolerable for just as long as you don't see any actual white stuff for contrast. but bring in a new stove, suddenly the wall needs a paintjob too.
Fri Mar 04 18:36:00 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> no, because i don't read chinese, nor actually care punctually. i just get (and care about) synthetic reports.
Tue Mar 01 23:21:58 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> kakobrekla understand : just because they picked one particular txn out of a set of txn they withheld should NOT be an argument they may bring.
Tue Mar 01 14:00:41 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> well because it was the loss leader also. people went to lose money to champs just on the basis of hte brand
Sun Feb 28 14:52:39 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> you may think that "hey, so you just found your solution, have the machine put a ? or a ? before each paragraph and an anchor on it", but no. flat text is fundamentally different from ADRESSABLE text in general, the "paragraph-addressable" is a least-offensive kludge. and yes trilema is written deliberately, and constantly, with a view to breaking addressability from outside. because that's the sort of text it is, an
Sat Feb 27 19:47:10 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> just because my eyes move independently of the head doesn't mean i'm not reading!
Sat Feb 27 15:43:33 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> you know, just because she isn't looking 2 inches under the apex of the camera lens (which is how that effect is obtained, and in all women, even the liveliest cockteases of the lot) but instead 30 degrees to the left in the foliage changes EXACTLY nothing
Sat Feb 27 04:13:56 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> i end up spending 150 pesos on cabs and 50 pesos on coffee across the fucking square, because argentines are truly and utterly retarded. why make a grand off a fellow when you could just as well make nothing at all and go home to the tv ?
Wed Feb 24 23:26:22 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> just because two items are separated to ease commerce does you no harm. buy them togetrher.
Tue Feb 23 09:17:50 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> << yeah, putin just made obama ????? and that's ok because nobody knows what the crudely drawn chickens are supposed to stand for anyway.
Mon Feb 22 00:43:02 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> all this because they really wanted to be as cool as the euros and didn't comprehend that faking it till you make it just gives you saturnism