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Matches for likbez, 52 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

01-04-2018 08:06:53  <adlai>   forgive my compulsive streamcrossing, but recent treellama logs are quite the likbez regarding why mandatory military service is not such a bad form of, uh... social engineering?

24-08-2017 16:48:53  <adlai>   asciilifeform: output addr is an output like any other. it's kinda funny how belligerently you refuse to understand wtf it is you claim to not be accepting. fwiw mp's likbez in #fraudsters was spot-on, yet it seems to have fallen on deaf eyes

24-01-2016 21:47:55  <mircea_popescu>   asciilifeform likbez is ipso definitio "list of obvious, except not obvious to you"

16-12-2015 20:53:06  <ascii_field>   ^ basic likbez

15-12-2015 19:15:50  <adlai>   in other leddit news, "/r/BTC, a likbez": http://redd.it/3wy6z > 10m later: http://redd.it/3wy8zm > 1h later: http://redd.it/3wyihe > finally, http://redd.it/3wyqa0 (no need to read, just see the titles)

28-09-2015 22:33:56  <assbot>   Buterin's Waterfall, a Likbez | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1Kn0Pqf )

28-09-2015 22:33:55  <mircea_popescu>   http://qntra.net/2014/11/buterins-waterfall-a-likbez/ << i had forgotten alf put all the work into this!

16-09-2015 16:19:43  <assbot>   Buterin's Waterfall, a Likbez | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1Kn0Pqf )

16-09-2015 16:19:42  <shinohai>   I liked this a lot http://qntra.net/2014/11/buterins-waterfall-a-likbez/

01-09-2015 04:14:15  <asciilifeform>   time for a brief likbez, perhaps. antecedent - earlier patch that must have happened to satisfy a given patch

23-07-2015 02:58:16  <asciilifeform>   ;;later tell pete_dushenski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhlwy6d8vBk << not a bad likbez re: that other incident, also.

26-04-2015 03:17:34  <*>   asciilifeform adds 'fits in head' likbez to middle of very long list

25-04-2015 23:49:11  <asciilifeform>   http://www.uccs.edu/~tchriste/courses/PHYS549/549lectures/sputtertech.html << likbez

29-03-2015 03:30:41  <mircea_popescu>   someone should write this likbez at some point. yo danielpbarron !

25-03-2015 04:39:35  <asciilifeform>   ok, quick likbez on 'buildroot'

23-03-2015 21:39:23  <*>   ascii_field actually does find it interesting, and if mircea_popescu ever writes a detailed likbez, will enjoy reading

21-03-2015 20:50:22  <ben_vulpes>   neat likbez, asciilifeform, thank you

21-03-2015 20:45:35  <asciilifeform>   http://www.servethehome.com/unbuffered-registered-ecc-memory-difference-ecc-udimms-rdimms << likbez re: ecc & buffering

18-03-2015 03:48:15  <asciilifeform>   likbez for ze n00bz

18-03-2015 03:47:14  <asciilifeform>   http://www.dribin.org/dave/keyboard/one_html << likbez

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