Matches for lizard, 179 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
Sun Dec 17 04:50:28 UTC 2017 <adlai> maybe lizard-mircea has been targeting my bots specifically to inflate the numbers i tell you
Sun Jul 17 17:45:33 UTC 2016 <asciilifeform> because they have not yet pissed off the wrong lizard.
Mon Apr 04 15:07:53 UTC 2016 <assbot> Logged on 14-11-2014 22:24:42; asciilifeform: (for n00bs only: who is 'lizard hitler' ? a character approximately as real as magnetic field lines were to michael faraday. don't look for magnetic field lines, they aren't there. physically. or as far as we can tell, anyway.)
Mon Mar 28 19:25:35 UTC 2016 <phf> wasn't there like a year of logs where all we talked about was lizard hitler, why nobody stood up then to point out how delusional that was?
Thu Mar 17 02:47:31 UTC 2016 <phf> defending against hypothetical lizard alf
Tue Mar 15 20:51:00 UTC 2016 <BingoBoingo> He's not anti-lizard by any stretch
Tue Mar 15 20:50:18 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> you'd expect the anti-lizard fellow to be anti-diebold definitionally and before anything else. "either paper trial or no vote took place",
Tue Mar 15 11:50:33 UTC 2016 <assbot> Logged on 14-03-2016 16:33:27; phf: nubbins`: i think it's a pointless to discuss (and takes away from the core of the issue) whether or not miners are conspiring against bitbet. ascii's been known to say that lizard hitler personally disconnected his node, nobody cared to pipe in then, because it's an established local way of talking and thinking (?? ?????? ????? ?? ??????). miners are a cartel, they can collectively decide
Mon Mar 14 16:33:27 UTC 2016 <phf> nubbins`: i think it's a pointless to discuss (and takes away from the core of the issue) whether or not miners are conspiring against bitbet. ascii's been known to say that lizard hitler personally disconnected his node, nobody cared to pipe in then, because it's an established local way of talking and thinking (?? ?????? ????? ?? ??????). miners are a cartel, they can collectively decide what the protocol behavior should be
Sat Mar 05 22:06:31 UTC 2016 <asciilifeform> mircea_popescu: a world where a lizard can print is by no reasonable description 'free'.
Thu Mar 03 15:49:03 UTC 2016 <jurov> re: duplicate bugreport.. perhaps i envied you being target of lizard hitler pranks, and imagined myself finally being targeted
Tue Mar 01 21:57:34 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> not really, she's rather lizard faced, neh ?
Mon Feb 29 18:20:09 UTC 2016 <asciilifeform> on one hand, it is the last thing a lizard wants to see appear.
Mon Feb 15 20:49:09 UTC 2016 <asciilifeform> at any rate, preet is not a playing character, but a reflection of lizard will. a freisler.
Tue Feb 09 23:28:30 UTC 2016 <ben_vulpes> stop paying lizard hitler for entries in his global lookup table
Fri Jan 22 23:16:50 UTC 2016 <pete_dushenski> just imagine the conversation at lizard hitler hq : "sir, we have reports that the bitcoin xtcoreclassic team isn't providing adequate lulz to our enemies at #b-a. we've expended all the resources we had at our disposal and it still isn't enough. they're indefatigable sir!" "send in... the drones. it might not be a perfect plan, but it's all we have right now. at the very least, it'll buy us some time." "right away,
Tue Jan 19 21:02:32 UTC 2016 <BingoBoingo> In other news Clitler MS Exchange scandal is escalating. Not just Top Seekrit nao. Special Access, and Compartmented shit nao. Time to count her lizard scales
Sat Jan 16 20:15:21 UTC 2016 <ascii_shmoocon> and there is already a lizard caste, may even number 15k...
Sun Dec 20 00:44:48 UTC 2015 <asciilifeform> prolly all went back to lizard coffer without so much as stopping for a drink.
Fri Dec 18 05:27:26 UTC 2015 <asciilifeform> lulzy, pretty much whole lizard committee