Matches for lizard hitler, 82 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
04-04-2016 15:07:53 <assbot> Logged on 14-11-2014 22:24:42; asciilifeform: (for n00bs only: who is 'lizard hitler' ? a character approximately as real as magnetic field lines were to michael faraday. don't look for magnetic field lines, they aren't there. physically. or as far as we can tell, anyway.)
28-03-2016 19:25:35 <phf> wasn't there like a year of logs where all we talked about was lizard hitler, why nobody stood up then to point out how delusional that was?
15-03-2016 11:50:33 <assbot> Logged on 14-03-2016 16:33:27; phf: nubbins`: i think it's a pointless to discuss (and takes away from the core of the issue) whether or not miners are conspiring against bitbet. ascii's been known to say that lizard hitler personally disconnected his node, nobody cared to pipe in then, because it's an established local way of talking and thinking (?? ?????? ????? ?? ??????). miners are a cartel, they can collectively decide
14-03-2016 16:33:27 <phf> nubbins`: i think it's a pointless to discuss (and takes away from the core of the issue) whether or not miners are conspiring against bitbet. ascii's been known to say that lizard hitler personally disconnected his node, nobody cared to pipe in then, because it's an established local way of talking and thinking (?? ?????? ????? ?? ??????). miners are a cartel, they can collectively decide what the protocol behavior should be
03-03-2016 15:49:03 <jurov> re: duplicate bugreport.. perhaps i envied you being target of lizard hitler pranks, and imagined myself finally being targeted
09-02-2016 23:28:30 <ben_vulpes> stop paying lizard hitler for entries in his global lookup table
22-01-2016 23:16:50 <pete_dushenski> just imagine the conversation at lizard hitler hq : "sir, we have reports that the bitcoin xtcoreclassic team isn't providing adequate lulz to our enemies at #b-a. we've expended all the resources we had at our disposal and it still isn't enough. they're indefatigable sir!" "send in... the drones. it might not be a perfect plan, but it's all we have right now. at the very least, it'll buy us some time." "right away,
17-12-2015 04:43:26 <asciilifeform> as a zone of genuine absence of lizard hitler in all of his manifestations, it was proclaimed 'must die' long ago.
20-11-2015 05:40:13 <ben_vulpes> no lizard hitler in that interpretation, punkman
19-11-2015 19:55:41 <phf> asciilifeform: i enjoyed working with lispworks team in the past. i don't think it's proprietary in the same sence as msvs or such. you have to buy into a relationship, but once you have a contract with them, they are accommodating. you can ask them for source if you actually want to inspect it for lizard hitler traces and compile it yourself
13-11-2015 19:58:20 <jurov> alf would indeed surmise these things must have come from lizard hitler
12-11-2015 17:11:01 <ben_vulpes> and yes, coke machine, still in usaschwitz, lizard hitler will never allow a defense attorney etc etc
25-09-2015 01:56:47 <mircea_popescu> (hint : they spent it ALL on trying to give people just like you the illusion that mansions, and lizard hitler.
21-08-2015 01:57:15 <phf> so most definitely lizard hitler affiliated
13-08-2015 01:08:34 <thestringpuller> lizard hitler 2016
08-08-2015 16:06:33 <phf> next step in SEO, leaving links on b-a. "hitler lizard diddled singles! http://..."
29-07-2015 04:25:18 <mircea_popescu> <phf> lizard hitler's stash <<< yeah, aka "i'll believe this outside phenomena happened if and only if, and only to the degree it, confirms convictions i held previously and independently of reality"
29-07-2015 04:13:38 <BingoBoingo> <phf> lizard hitler's stash << Jurrassic World topping the box office because Lizards are real
29-07-2015 04:10:30 <phf> lizard hitler's stash
10-07-2015 22:18:04 <mircea_popescu> gotta be lizard hitler in there.