Matches for luxury, 172 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
Fri Oct 24 18:49:58 UTC 2014 <asciilifeform> everything after that - is luxury.
Thu Oct 23 05:34:14 UTC 2014 <asciilifeform> and what unspeakably-dildonic luxury 64gB is
Thu Oct 16 16:17:11 UTC 2014 <bounce> sounds like a serious luxury problem
Tue Oct 14 01:14:04 UTC 2014 <asciilifeform> coffins! what luxury americans expect.
Mon Oct 13 18:26:35 UTC 2014 <mircea_popescu> this is why bunkers are made out of steel and concrete, even while luxury items are made out of silk and glass.
Thu Oct 09 03:11:39 UTC 2014 <asciilifeform> forced mistake, in many cases - sometimes, you have the luxury of setting fire to the whole shebang and walking away
Tue Sep 30 21:42:43 UTC 2014 <mircea_popescu> asciilifeform: hanbot: you were not mistaken in figuring that i'm one of the people weighed down by addiction to luxuries. but the only luxury i really give a damn about is free time. <<< this is so funny.
Tue Sep 30 20:18:55 UTC 2014 <asciilifeform> hanbot: you were not mistaken in figuring that i'm one of the people weighed down by addiction to luxuries. but the only luxury i really give a damn about is free time.
Fri Sep 26 17:00:11 UTC 2014 <ben_vulpes> asciilifeform: "luxury" anything -> spam ?
Fri Sep 26 16:58:56 UTC 2014 <ben_vulpes> noyrly luxury items, those.
Fri Sep 26 16:58:12 UTC 2014 <assbot> The Bitcoin Luxury Marketplace
Wed Sep 24 05:39:20 UTC 2014 <BingoBoingo> That, and that is a luxury of handling wetware in that case.
Wed Sep 10 15:30:42 UTC 2014 <diametric> bakers aren't afforded the luxury of a special status
Wed Sep 03 04:57:35 UTC 2014 <mircea_popescu> he was a censor, and as a censor he had the authority to forbid luxury expenditures. which he did, by forbiding some types of textile, which were very expensive, all imported, and wore quickly.
Wed Sep 03 04:22:41 UTC 2014 <decimation> the guys 'in the loop' with all of this supposed knowledge apparently can't differentiate between luxury resorts in Massachusetts and a third-world hellhole
Fri Aug 29 01:04:55 UTC 2014 <pete_dushenski> mircea_popescu:<asciilifeform> (what's it about in reality? real-time tracking of all meat inventory. and, with a little more magic - your car is own gasenwagen when time comes.) << they already had a pilot for this. amusingly, it was sold as an expensive ad on for luxury brands. northstar or something. << northstar was the name of a fairly awful gm v8, onstar was their tracking device
Thu Aug 28 03:38:14 UTC 2014 <mircea_popescu> <asciilifeform> (what's it about in reality? real-time tracking of all meat inventory. and, with a little more magic - your car is own gasenwagen when time comes.) << they already had a pilot for this. amusingly, it was sold as an expensive ad on for luxury brands. northstar or something.
Wed Aug 20 00:40:13 UTC 2014 <decimation> re: luxury submarines: << supposedly can stay submerged for at least a week going 2 knots
Thu Jul 10 02:18:58 UTC 2014 <decimation> and the "people" think they have the luxury to protest oil moving through their town
Tue Jul 01 03:02:08 UTC 2014 <gribble> The Last Psychiatrist: Luxury Branding The Future Leaders Of The ...:; The Last Psychiatrist: Thank God The 'Heart Attack Grill' Is A Great ...:; The Last Psychiatrist: So At Least Two People Agree With Me: (1 more message)