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Matches for luxury, 172 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Fri May 01 01:03:47 UTC 2015  <assbot>   Logged on 30-04-2015 14:12:57; mircea_popescu: because that's what #5 does, practically : it offers a model to explain and understand the otherwise insane, and otherwise never explain, luxury behaviour.

Thu Apr 30 14:12:57 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   because that's what #5 does, practically : it offers a model to explain and understand the otherwise insane, and otherwise never explain, luxury behaviour.

Tue Apr 14 17:40:22 UTC 2015  <nubbins`>   <+ascii_field> (i do not consider eating genuine, vs. recycled food, a luxury. just as air on a space capsule is not a luxury, even if it costs what gold costs down on earth) <<< i don't fully buy into the "it's cheaper to eat shitty" mentality, but it's my understanding that the dynamics involved therein are vastly different in your country

Tue Apr 14 16:36:52 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   <mats> warehouse of computer antiques sounds like a lot of luxuries to me. << anything sounds like a luxury to someone somewhere!

Tue Apr 14 16:16:54 UTC 2015  <ascii_field>   (i do not consider eating genuine, vs. recycled food, a luxury. just as air on a space capsule is not a luxury, even if it costs what gold costs down on earth)

Mon Apr 13 15:44:58 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   "Ask yourselves: how far would you compromise your ethics for $20 million? That?s an amount of money so high that you?d be able to fulfill all your dreams and live in luxury for the rest of your life. At how many million dollars does your cracking point lie?"

Thu Apr 09 07:12:41 UTC 2015  <pete_dushenski>   mobility is a hell of a drug, and a hell of a luxury

Wed Apr 08 03:49:10 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   asciilifeform btw, turns out luxury not so luxurious after all ?

Wed Apr 08 00:03:17 UTC 2015  <assbot>   New 2015 Lifestyle Luxury RV Alfa Gold 3905SH Motorcycle Storage Area Fifth Wheels at Kansas RV Center Chanute Kansas Kansas RV Center ... ( http://bit.ly/1Fj8JPb )

Wed Apr 08 00:03:16 UTC 2015  <mats>   http://www.kansasrvcenter.com/inventory/442567/New-2015-Lifestyle-Luxury-RV-Alfa-Gold-3905SH-Motorcycle-Storage-Area.aspx

Tue Apr 07 19:12:47 UTC 2015  <ascii_field>   (for n00bz: the subcontractors which do most of the practical 'usg-ing' are headquartered largely in north virginia, and have massive backup power and other every other conceivable luxury, large and small, on the grounds.)

Wed Apr 01 22:18:14 UTC 2015  <MagicalTux>   nubbins`: but even something like living in a dwelling without the company of strangers is a titanically expensive luxury in most of the world

Wed Apr 01 18:03:02 UTC 2015  <gigavps>   nao you can finally retire in luxury

Sat Mar 21 22:00:48 UTC 2015  <decimation>   I recently heard an argument that apple's only recourse to 'grow' its revenue stream is to sell super-luxury goods

Thu Mar 19 05:18:12 UTC 2015  <asciilifeform>   unspeakable luxury

Tue Mar 17 19:53:54 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   "oh, the luxury of paying 48658609485609850 for a condo."

Wed Mar 04 19:35:06 UTC 2015  <danielpbarron>   that is a luxury afforded to you because you are new

Sun Mar 01 07:46:16 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   always good for a culture shock for usians, because somehow they think starbucks is luxury.

Mon Feb 23 05:47:09 UTC 2015  <asciilifeform>   toaster - luxury, can run freebsd

Tue Feb 17 03:41:08 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   BingoBoingo: More RAM makes << there's a legitimate "keep blockchain on ramdisk" thing. sadly... it won't be feasible. it's luxury.

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