Matches for luxury, 172 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
Mon Feb 16 02:59:43 UTC 2015 <BingoBoingo> These are a people for whom hiring professional cleaners even annually is considered a luxury expense.
Sun Feb 01 07:43:30 UTC 2015 <mircea_popescu> hm, i guess actually you might not have the luxury to tell them to gtfo
Thu Jan 29 04:18:41 UTC 2015 <BingoBoingo> <mircea_popescu> then one goes into their dwellings, and understands why catered rubber chicken is a step up << the same 8 to an initially clean hotel room to them counts as luxury
Thu Jan 29 04:12:15 UTC 2015 <asciilifeform> the variant described above is the 'luxury' btw.
Wed Jan 28 19:39:29 UTC 2015 <asciilifeform> if one of you wants to print glossy stickers to cover the oem case, with dire warnings re: drive will be formatted, etc. whatever, cardboard boxes, - why not. but this is a luxury
Tue Jan 27 05:30:18 UTC 2015 <asciilifeform> in certain professions one does not have the luxury of arbitrarily proclaiming 'if not on the net, doesn't exist'
Sun Jan 25 20:32:46 UTC 2015 <mircea_popescu> fluffypony: ben_vulpes: that's precisely the current Monero architecture << heh. apparently sanity is not a luxury product.
Sun Jan 25 07:58:28 UTC 2015 <mircea_popescu> there's a book "luxury rotary bits management" you should read.
Wed Jan 21 19:19:45 UTC 2015 <Pierre_Rochard> gavinandresen is clearly unfamiliar with the pricing model of every luxury good ever. < this
Wed Jan 21 19:16:08 UTC 2015 <ben_vulpes> gavinandresen is clearly unfamiliar with the pricing model of every luxury good ever.
Thu Jan 15 19:24:16 UTC 2015 <pete_dushenski> A man who portrayed himself as a member of a wealthy Pakistani family and was often seen driving luxury cars including a Ferrari faces sentencing in a multimillion-dollar investment scam involving three former Miami Heat players and the team itself. << as if the donald sterling shmozzle wasn't embarrassing enough for the nba
Mon Dec 22 01:16:47 UTC 2014 <mats> b-but without my 19 satoshis i will be unable to retire to a life of luxury and full breasted south american women
Wed Dec 10 00:57:17 UTC 2014 <asciilifeform> (re: germans: there is ample evidence that fleeing nazis wanted for nothing, and were kept in plentiful supply of every conceivable necessity and luxury by u.s. cia. but 'traditional' narrative still has them living in what were essentially reservations in ar.)
Fri Nov 21 17:18:26 UTC 2014 <mircea_popescu> punkman it's a luxury thing tho.
Tue Nov 18 13:27:58 UTC 2014 <assbot> San Francisco Magazine | Modern Luxury | The Shrimp Boy Sessions: A Jailhouse Conversation with the Alleged Gang Boss ... ( )
Thu Nov 06 15:00:23 UTC 2014 <mircea_popescu> asciilifeform i suspect the bulk of they shipped in are "luxury workers", which is to say cocksuckers.
Fri Oct 31 03:45:20 UTC 2014 <BingoBoingo> mats_cd03: From what I understand ECC is still a luxury sold to the discerning which the "cloud" is trying to handwave over
Sun Oct 26 06:18:01 UTC 2014 <decimation> lol luxury meant 'sexual intercourse' in the 1300's
Sun Oct 26 06:15:32 UTC 2014 <assbot> 83 results for 'luxury' :
Sun Oct 26 06:15:31 UTC 2014 <mircea_popescu> !s luxury