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Matches for meta-nsa, 83 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

27-08-2017 12:24:50  <adlai>   ah well, we can't all spend our days with meta-NSA-provided exotic hookers, or whatever they have in sangri-brek-la

13-03-2017 22:25:13  <adlai>   but if we take meta-nsa as near-omnipotent, little stops them from being able to fish keys out of ~any computer, should that specific computer be their target

29-03-2016 02:16:52  <asciilifeform>   it would have to be an entity in the spirit of meta-nsa

14-03-2016 18:53:00  <mircea_popescu>   this model of (perceptible relay) + (imperceptible miners) is nonsense of the ilk of meta-nsa-in-the-sky.

13-01-2016 17:17:55  <mircea_popescu>   methinks the real meta-nsa might well be santa claus1

07-01-2016 11:23:59  <jurov>   they ran off with alf's meta-nsa idea :D

06-01-2016 21:43:46  <ascii_butugychag>   meta-nsa demo!1111

03-12-2015 19:10:29  <BingoBoingo>   danielpbarron: What about Meta-NSA?

19-11-2015 23:16:49  <mircea_popescu>   it IS the meta-nsa

19-11-2015 23:03:40  <asciilifeform>   (does it subcontract for meta-nsa...?)

18-11-2015 14:57:06  <mircea_popescu>   no meta-nsa active here ?

14-11-2015 22:52:53  <mircea_popescu>   they exist, somewhere. in meta-nsa-high.

23-10-2015 19:30:22  <pete_dushenski>   whoddathunk that the meta-nsa would only be meta... in name

30-09-2015 15:21:15  <mircea_popescu>   meta-nsa, whatever.

04-09-2015 01:09:41  <asciilifeform>   meta-nsa has to be sovereign over own tools of thought.

04-09-2015 01:09:27  <mircea_popescu>   meta-nsa builds z80s ?

04-09-2015 01:04:19  <asciilifeform>   and i will say that an entity without si fabbing capability is no meta-nsa regardless of what else.

04-09-2015 01:00:12  <asciilifeform>   this is why i play in my head with the idea of an all-chick meta-nsa.

28-08-2015 13:13:02  <assbot>   Logged on 28-08-2015 07:03:34; mircea_popescu: i guess us research facilities don't hold the actual scientists, us civil service doesn't hold the actual politicians and us prisons don't hold the actual prisoners. they're all in meta-usa, the meta-nsa, meta-criminals and generally an entire country-equivalent of actually competewnt dopplegangers.

28-08-2015 07:03:34  <mircea_popescu>   i guess us research facilities don't hold the actual scientists, us civil service doesn't hold the actual politicians and us prisons don't hold the actual prisoners. they're all in meta-usa, the meta-nsa, meta-criminals and generally an entire country-equivalent of actually competewnt dopplegangers.

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