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Matches for meta-nsa, 83 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Sun Jul 27 19:51:23 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   if 'meta-nsa' exists in the flesh, it's probably an assemblage of one grey-haired officer and his two dozen or so apprentices, embedded deep within the scar tissue of usg and surviving in spite of, rather than due to, the overall management.

Sun Jul 27 19:50:00 UTC 2014  <*>   asciilifeform not convinced of the physical existence of meta-nsa. it's a gedanken-nsa.

Sun Jul 27 19:49:33 UTC 2014  <mircea_popescu>   asciilifeform you know, between the meta-nsa nd the petrified forest you got a very dissonant thing going. how about the petrified-nsa and the meta-forest ?

Tue Apr 08 22:55:08 UTC 2014  <mircea_popescu>   asciilifeform a meta-nsa may or may not exist. a meta-media definitely does exist.

Wed Apr 02 23:25:28 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   nsa writes crapware for winblows, 'meta-nsa' then would do something interesting.

Mon Mar 31 15:44:09 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   meta-nsa.

Thu Mar 27 15:55:58 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   nsa vs. 'meta-nsa'

Thu Mar 20 01:41:06 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   sec, deanonymization << meta-nsa has patent, will be displeased

Mon Feb 24 05:56:15 UTC 2014  <benkay>   just kidding, meta-nsa

Thu Feb 20 15:19:31 UTC 2014  <BingoBoingo>   So... I am fairly certain that in this channel I have made comments that limit the set of people who could be me to 1. But Meta-NSA is a myth.

Sun Feb 16 00:30:17 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   i have so little faith in the meta-nsa that i'll drop one here.

Thu Feb 13 06:08:26 UTC 2014  <BingoBoingo>   The only way to deal with meta-NSA is to invite them to lick your balls

Thu Feb 13 06:07:51 UTC 2014  <BingoBoingo>   meta-NSA has the solution to all crypto in a drawer

Thu Feb 13 06:07:31 UTC 2014  <BingoBoingo>   But on public nets you have to account for the meta-NSA

Thu Feb 13 02:41:07 UTC 2014  <BingoBoingo>   mircea_popescu2: Well, if they serve you a suspicious IP at least you can know it isn't the meta-nsa

Tue Feb 11 03:21:01 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   if bugged cell phones were presided over by Meta-NSA instead of classic nsa, the buggers would store compressed audio and piss it out in bursts when plugged into the mains

Thu Feb 06 02:12:41 UTC 2014  <BingoBoingo>   Tis the problem with the TSR model. DEA gets all of the meta-NSA tools and the imagination to do parallel reconstruction

Sun Feb 02 04:48:44 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   mircea_popescu: i hereby demand to be gassed by the new, spiffy, Meta-NSA, rather than the tired old one.

Sun Jan 05 05:11:49 UTC 2014  <asciilifeform>   or, alternatively, Meta-NSA backdoor /does/ use port-knocking, and this is a decoy for lamers.

Thu Dec 12 03:09:24 UTC 2013  <asciilifeform>   the mythical Meta-NSA on the other hand!

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