Matches for netflix, 120 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
Mon Aug 07 15:50:19 UTC 2017 <assbot> Headlines from China: Netflix Announces Chinese Language Series | CFI ... ( )
Mon Mar 27 13:23:15 UTC 2017 <punkman> "Netflix will spend an expected $6B+ on 70+ original shows this year "
Wed May 25 21:58:33 UTC 2016 <punkman> speaking of netflix, I download a torrent of a netflix release of some eu mini-series, and it had a different soundtrack because rights/regions/etc
Wed May 25 17:31:59 UTC 2016 <diametric> piracy is absolutely more convenient, but for me netflix is pretty damn convenient too, most for my wife and kids, and for getting them off my back for a lot of stuff. if netflix had every title in existence and cost even three times as much, i probably wouldn't bother pirating anything.
Wed May 25 17:31:57 UTC 2016 <pankkake> I can somewhat understand netflix, much less spotify, but perhaps it's because I take music more seriously
Wed May 25 17:31:06 UTC 2016 <assbot> Netflix, Amazon face EU quota on European works | Reuters ... ( )
Wed May 25 17:31:05 UTC 2016 <kakobrekla> re lulzy quoatas
Wed May 25 17:30:03 UTC 2016 <kakobrekla> the latest news re that are that europe now wants netflix to play 20% of european shows
Wed May 25 17:29:50 UTC 2016 <diametric> ... "heres the remote go browse netflix and watch whats there i'm busy"
Wed May 25 17:28:44 UTC 2016 <diametric> its just still easier to deal with netflix for the shows on it
Wed May 25 17:28:09 UTC 2016 <kakobrekla> theres also that thing called 'popcorn time' or something like that - a piratized netflix with the benefit of not having bigbrother controlling what you watch
Wed May 25 17:27:56 UTC 2016 <jurov> btw, here netflix still does the shitty regions thing, i heard
Wed May 25 12:13:03 UTC 2016 <kakobrekla> also wtf netflix users - too lazy to steal a torrent?
Wed May 25 12:12:10 UTC 2016 <kakobrekla> tittle should defo be "good news for netflix"
Thu Mar 10 21:13:50 UTC 2016 <thestringpuller> I guess using my machine for single purpose- Netflix and Steam, has limited risk.
Fri Feb 19 20:55:00 UTC 2016 <asciilifeform> ~specifically~ netflix ?!
Fri Feb 19 20:53:10 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> EVERY SINGLE, i don't mean just the fat/ugly, EVERY SINGLE female's FAVOURITE past time is watching netflix.
Wed Jan 20 00:43:47 UTC 2016 <BingoBoingo> But "Netflix and chill" is the new "come in for coffee"
Wed Jan 20 00:40:15 UTC 2016 <punkman> "A friend once asked me to watch a video with her that she was going to display on her computer using Netflix. I declined, saying that Netflix was such an affront to freedom that I could not be party to its use under any circumstances whatsoever." -- RMS