Matches for opm, 28 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
Wed Sep 23 04:05:03 UTC 2015 <mircea_popescu> i disagree with the notion that whether bitcoin was designed for people to hold own money or opm follows from bitcoin being p2p ; that there is a way to differentiate between opm and yom. and other things
Fri Aug 21 17:09:55 UTC 2015 <ascii_field> 'There's going to be a shitload of stuff going down. The hacker said they were going to release. If it were me, I'd had come clean immediately to my wife. I had a TS clearance at Lockheed, and you have no idea what questions they asked. "Have you ever fucked a sheep?". When the OPM hack happened, I wrote an article where I came clean to everything.'
Wed Jul 29 04:40:37 UTC 2015 <asciilifeform> << the difference between a 'opm' beating and a genuine one is that the beaten fella isn't back next week asking for more, at the end of a genuine one
Wed Jul 29 04:09:17 UTC 2015 <asciilifeform> and i mean ~genuine~ catastrophe, not 'jam tomorrow' like the opm thing
Thu Jul 09 21:27:50 UTC 2015 <asciilifeform> 'Not every spy?s data is in the system. The CIA conducts its own security clearance investigations and keeps that data to itself. Even so, some U.S. officials have said that a foreign spy service might be able to identify U.S. intelligence operatives by comparing stolen OPM records with rosters of U.S. personnel at embassies overseas.'
Thu Jun 25 04:50:03 UTC 2015 <decimation> of course the opm hack did about 1000x more damage to usg
Wed Jun 17 21:32:03 UTC 2015 <mats> We were told in an interview that OPM's Network Management Group (NMG) performs monthly vulnerability scans using automated scanning tools. The OIG is unable to independently verify that OPM has a mature vulnerability scanning program. However, we have been unable to obtain tangible evidence that vulnerability scans have been routinely conducted for all
Wed Jun 17 21:32:03 UTC 2015 <mats> OPM servers in FY 2014… NMG has documented accepted weaknesses for OPM user workstations; however, it has not fully documented weaknesses for servers or databases (i.e., vulnerability scan findings that are justified by a business need). This recommendation remains open from FY 2011 and is rolled forward in FY 2014.
Wed Jun 17 18:32:50 UTC 2015 <mats> har, acquaintances are receiving emails about their OPM file being compromised
Wed Jun 17 18:18:02 UTC 2015 <punkman> "The day after the breach was made public, OPM finalized a more than $20 million deal with Winvale Group to start notifying individuals "within 48 hours of award.""
Wed Jun 17 18:16:32 UTC 2015 <punkman> "Rather than immediately encrypt data, OPM plans to reduce the number of computer users with access to systems and require multistep login verifications, she said. OPM's fiscal 2016 request for congressional funding asks for an additional $21 million"
Wed Jun 17 18:15:15 UTC 2015 <ascii_field> “When is OPM going to apologize to federal employees?”" << 'when the crayfish whistles on the mountain, and the fish in the sea begin to sing' (tm) (r) (ru)
Wed Jun 17 18:14:41 UTC 2015 <assbot> OPM Will Soon Notify New Wave of Workers Their Data Was Hacked - Pay & Benefits - ... ( )
Wed Jun 17 18:14:28 UTC 2015 <punkman> "In addition to calling for resignations, Lieu asked OPM to show some remorse. “One word I haven’t heard is sorry,” Lieu said. “When is OPM going to apologize to federal employees?”"
Tue Jun 16 21:50:46 UTC 2015 <mats> all this stuff referring to the OPM hack as "cyber katrina" is also great
Mon Jun 15 15:13:20 UTC 2015 <assbot> I am one of the millions affected by the OPM hack | Fusion ... ( )
Sun Jun 07 15:30:28 UTC 2015 <pete_dushenski> "On Thursday, the US Office of Personnel Management (OPM) confirmed that hackers broke into its servers. A data center in Denver was compromised, we're told, which resulted in the loss of personal information on four million current and former employees; the records could date back as far as 1985."
Thu May 07 15:27:10 UTC 2015 <mircea_popescu> cantor fitzgerald's been in the news recently due to their vice chair's fraudulent shenanigans and separately due to their general incompetence and gross mishandling of OPM.
Sat Jan 03 08:04:44 UTC 2015 <assbot> Logged on 20-12-2014 03:34:37; decimation: << "The Office of Personnel Management is alerting more than 48,000 federal employees their personal information may have been exposed following a breach at KeyPoint Government Solutions, which conducts background investigations of federal employees seeking security clearances."