Matches for promise protocol, 30 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
23-03-2016 19:25:35 <asciilifeform> protocol, vs promise.
23-03-2016 19:10:49 <asciilifeform> thing is, regardless of how this is settled, there was a catastrophic failure in 'protocol vs promise' land where bbet never nailed down what ~exactly~ bet winners are promised.
23-03-2016 14:23:51 <mircea_popescu> promise here being a term of art standing in opposition with protocol.
22-03-2016 20:53:13 <ben_vulpes> i recently took a 45 minute sojourn into the history of "protocol vs. promise"
21-03-2016 23:50:53 <asciilifeform> well signature comes with a mechanical algo for verification; everything beyond that is 'promise', rather than protocol
18-03-2016 21:45:26 <asciilifeform> so no protocol is claimed, it is explicitly a promise.
18-03-2016 15:02:23 <asciilifeform> << non-cryptographic signatures are really 99+% 'promise' and precious little protocol.
05-03-2016 18:57:42 <asciilifeform> ben_vulpes: the one thing i will say for certain is that the moving parts gotta be ~number-theoretical~ entities, rather than idiot protocol-promise goop
02-03-2016 16:36:37 <asciilifeform> a good chunk of the 'protocol' as i pictured it, turned out to be... promise.
17-02-2016 02:23:15 <mircea_popescu> P stands for protocol, not for promise.
09-02-2016 15:54:34 <mircea_popescu> by protocol or by promise ?
04-02-2016 20:19:20 <mircea_popescu> protocol vs promise.
18-01-2016 15:39:59 <ascii_butugychag> protocol vs promise (tm) (r)
12-01-2016 17:16:08 <assbot> 15 results for 'protocol promise' :
12-01-2016 17:16:07 <ascii_butugychag> !s protocol promise
02-01-2016 16:34:47 <assbot> 12 results for 'protocol promise' :
02-01-2016 16:34:46 <ascii_rear> !s protocol promise
02-01-2016 16:34:23 <ascii_rear> protocol vs promise
09-10-2015 02:08:22 <asciilifeform> the weaker the hash, the more 'promise' and less 'protocol'.
09-10-2015 02:07:43 <asciilifeform> the fundamental issue that bothers me is that a broken hash is where 'protocol' begins to decay into 'promise'