Matches for rape strategy, 6 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
07-11-2014 19:03:09 <asciilifeform> !s rape strategy
07-11-2014 19:05:39 <Adlai> liquidity providing = rape strategy against anything that uses large market orders
25-09-2014 21:16:22 <asciilifeform> (in fact, i suspect that any bot whose strategy is not a game-theoretical-finesse-rape of other bots - is quite useless)
12-12-2014 19:35:41 <mircea_popescu> who thought out this strategy lol, confront the rapist with a strongly worded statement, "but sir! what you are contemplating would be tantamout to rape!"
07-11-2014 19:03:10 <assbot> 3 results for 'rape strategy' :
07-11-2014 19:04:33 <assbot> Logged on 25-09-2014 21:16:22; asciilifeform: (in fact, i suspect that any bot whose strategy is not a game-theoretical-finesse-rape of other bots - is quite useless)