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Matches for rotor, 360 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Fri Feb 05 02:53:14 UTC 2016  <asciilifeform>   (and to sell it through swiss catamite intermediaries to anyone who'd buy, after the last rotor finally gave up the ghost)

Fri Feb 05 02:52:16 UTC 2016  <asciilifeform>   and really belong in the rubbish bin with the enigma rotor etc.

Sun Jan 31 01:41:34 UTC 2016  <mircea_popescu>   the one that makes the rotor.

Sun Jan 31 01:31:07 UTC 2016  <mod6>   yeah, cause if you don't run the script, then you need to set up everything, including the rotor, buildroot & copying around the config, and tons of other stuff.

Sat Jan 30 19:30:30 UTC 2016  <assbot>   Logged on 30-01-2016 17:51:53; mod6: i do a lot of testing etc. often if I'm actually going to change a line of code, i'll press out a seperate branch call it 'foo', go in there copy a & b, then make changes in b. make a vpatch. drop it in my live bitcoin branch, rebuild with the rotor. bunch of stuff.

Sat Jan 30 17:59:18 UTC 2016  <asciilifeform>   ftr i still use my original rotor build scripts.

Sat Jan 30 17:51:53 UTC 2016  <mod6>   i do a lot of testing etc. often if I'm actually going to change a line of code, i'll press out a seperate branch call it 'foo', go in there copy a & b, then make changes in b. make a vpatch. drop it in my live bitcoin branch, rebuild with the rotor. bunch of stuff.

Sat Jan 30 17:49:49 UTC 2016  <mod6>   <+ben_vulpes> mod6 and trinque as well << hacking the codebase? << I just build the statically linked bin with rotor via the build-bitcoind script that everyone uses.

Sat Jan 30 03:12:18 UTC 2016  <punkman>   mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-01-2016#1389596 << so like a rotor reimplementation ? << more like some rotor automation to try various builds and lets you know what compiles or not

Sat Jan 30 02:46:24 UTC 2016  <mircea_popescu>   http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-01-2016#1389596 << so like a rotor reimplementation ?

Sat Jan 30 02:18:49 UTC 2016  <mircea_popescu>   http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-01-2016#1389541 << i did have to run the rotor by hand.

Sat Jan 30 02:18:49 UTC 2016  <assbot>   Logged on 30-01-2016 01:10:38; mod6: <+mircea_popescu> ftr mod6 : i ended up with two rotor.sh scripts, one under rotor the other under rotor/test2 << yeah, if all goes well, you should ~only~ need to just execute the build script -- if you have to execute either of the rotor.sh scripts, then something went wrong.

Sat Jan 30 01:51:25 UTC 2016  <mod6>   <+trinque> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=24-01-2016#1384068 << I designed the makefiles to take a BUILDER variable, of which there is currently only rotor. ... << for now, as far as I'm concerned, this is totally ok. we'll have to worry about other *nix's after we perfect getting linux x86-64 done with a CD to boot also.

Sat Jan 30 01:48:15 UTC 2016  <trinque>   http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=24-01-2016#1384068 << I designed the makefiles to take a BUILDER variable, of which there is currently only rotor. perhaps this is the place to add an openbsd builder, which could apply unofficial patches as they are necessary after V press

Sat Jan 30 01:10:41 UTC 2016  <shinohai>   I just nuked my entire rotor directory on build machine every time I am doing an update

Sat Jan 30 01:10:38 UTC 2016  <mod6>   <+mircea_popescu> ftr mod6 : i ended up with two rotor.sh scripts, one under rotor the other under rotor/test2 << yeah, if all goes well, you should ~only~ need to just execute the build script -- if you have to execute either of the rotor.sh scripts, then something went wrong.

Sat Jan 30 01:09:38 UTC 2016  <mod6>   what's the cannonical makeclean, rm -rf * in /rotor ? << yeah, i would just blowaway the entire 'rotor' directory along with all the V stuff. the stuff that I would save is just the .wot dir, the keys contained therein, and of course, your ~/.gnupg stuff (ofc. have backups etc (this is for everyone who blew their keys away once)) : then totally restart the entire script.

Fri Jan 29 23:30:39 UTC 2016  <mircea_popescu>   ftr mod6 : i ended up with two rotor.sh scripts, one under rotor the other under rotor/test2

Fri Jan 29 23:05:07 UTC 2016  <mircea_popescu>   Saving to: ?/home/bitcoin/rotor/buildroot-2015.05/output/build/.gcc-4.9.2.tar.bz2.GCAtsD/output?

Fri Jan 29 23:02:18 UTC 2016  <mircea_popescu>   what's the cannonical makeclean, rm -rf * in /rotor ?

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