Matches for sha1, 135 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
Tue May 05 03:54:00 UTC 2015 <assbot> Logged on 05-05-2015 01:25:57; asciilifeform: <danielpbarron> there's yer answer: it's sha1 << why do we have sha1 anywhere
Tue May 05 01:33:55 UTC 2015 <mod6> it's fine, I just didn't realize that in the filename, the turdolator uses SHA1
Tue May 05 01:25:57 UTC 2015 <asciilifeform> <danielpbarron> there's yer answer: it's sha1 << why do we have sha1 anywhere
Tue May 05 00:49:20 UTC 2015 <mod6> ah sha1, see, derp derperton
Tue May 05 00:48:08 UTC 2015 <danielpbarron> there's yer answer: it's sha1; not sha256
Tue Apr 28 22:49:01 UTC 2015 <jurov> i don't get it. "by content addressable" i understand somthing like putting sha1 sum in the URL
Tue Apr 28 20:53:45 UTC 2015 <jurov> trinque, it uses SHA1 as ID
Sun Mar 15 09:04:10 UTC 2015 <BingoBoingo> funkenstein_: Edit your GPG conf file to switch from SHA1 to a better message digest
Sun Mar 15 09:02:22 UTC 2015 <assbot> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 As of AD 347694 I am funkenst - ... ( )
Thu Jan 15 01:06:42 UTC 2015 <mircea_popescu> <asciilifeform> (what rng? ring oscillator jitter, with sha1 whitening.) <<< better than many
Thu Jan 15 00:45:26 UTC 2015 <asciilifeform> (what rng? ring oscillator jitter, with sha1 whitening.)
Sat Nov 15 19:36:06 UTC 2014 <assbot> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi, This is deeds.bitcoin-a -
Sun Nov 09 19:40:36 UTC 2014 <punkman> re: sha1 and gpg settings, this is useful
Sun Nov 09 17:33:03 UTC 2014 <mircea_popescu> asciilifeform yeah, and suppose you see a message from me using sha1 when you know i use sha512.
Sun Nov 09 17:32:17 UTC 2014 <asciilifeform> since my key flag bits permit sha1, he can still, say, sign into gribble as me.
Sun Nov 09 17:32:00 UTC 2014 <asciilifeform> problem is, let's say the devil has sha1 collision finder, and decides to apply to my case
Sun Nov 09 17:29:59 UTC 2014 <*> pete_dushenski wonders why mod6 and asciilifeform signed the tithe3 with SHA1...
Sat Nov 08 18:41:54 UTC 2014 <assbot> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Title: BITCOIN DECLARATION OF -
Mon Nov 03 03:32:23 UTC 2014 <assbot> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Report 7. November 2nd, 2014 -
Mon Nov 03 02:15:24 UTC 2014 <assbot> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 BitBet (S.BBET) October 2014 S -