Matches for sha256, 172 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
15-02-2018 15:11:24 <funkenstein_> "we're forking Litecoin... and making it SHA256. Yep!" <-- today's lulz
05-08-2017 13:33:42 <pankkake> when SHA256 altcoins were still a thing, miners were already hoping on the most profitable coin and that wasn't the end of the world, anyway
06-04-2017 22:18:57 <funkenstein_> i mean i understand that calling this "an attacking miner" is silly, as all miners are attackers who aren't using pencil and paper to compute sha256
06-04-2017 22:17:04 <funkenstein_> so your understanding is also that this refers to a way to save some cycles on the 1st round of sha256?
06-04-2017 22:15:19 <funkenstein_> :D so sha256 is 64 rounds, how would avoiding 1 round wind up be a 30% savings?
13-03-2017 22:15:18 <asciilifeform> a good bitcoin boobytrap conspiracy story oughta include 'they have a pill for ecdsa', or at least 'they have a pill for sha256 and most mining really takes place in this one closet at ftmeade'
13-03-2017 22:03:46 <asciilifeform> for instance, just ONE sha256 collision.
09-12-2016 07:41:08 <funkenstein_> appears to be sha256 coin with two week diff. adjust? if so, a quick death awaits
01-11-2016 14:38:36 <funkenstein_> " The digital signature scheme of bitcoin with SHA256+secp256k1 ECDSA" okey dokey. Also, note the method of bet resolution "academic cryptography papers".
01-11-2016 13:30:47 <kakobrekla> >>The digital signature scheme of bitcoin with SHA256+secp256k1 ECDSA will be broken before 18 December 2016 by cryptography researchers.
17-10-2016 15:37:28 <funkenstein_> one amusing thing about hear "only a sha256 chain secured with ecdsa secp256k1 and issued in geometric series will hold value" is that then I hear "don't trust ecdsa". Huh? Please reconcile these contradictions.
17-10-2016 05:46:30 <funkenstein_> on SHA256 and scrypt respectively
17-10-2016 05:39:21 <funkenstein_> ethertards were not threatened by sha256 farms either
17-10-2016 05:38:59 <funkenstein_> go nuke litecoin with a sha256 asic farm
08-03-2016 00:43:14 <trinque> this one sha256's the bundle (all messages of that hour separated by single \n), uses that as privkey
01-03-2016 22:47:32 <trinque> yeah, just a matter of taking the deed bundle txt, performing sha256 and using that as the privkey, generating a pubkey and address from that
07-02-2016 08:13:59 <punkman> did we break sha256 yet
04-02-2016 01:17:21 <Carli-> asciilifeform: i think it is something like this, not sure: SHA256(Seed + 1), Sha256 (seed +2) etc...
04-02-2016 00:55:10 <felipelalli> brainwallet uses sha256, it is a disaster
03-02-2016 22:40:15 <assbot> Logged on 03-02-2016 18:52:30; phf: so there's two sig's that are not sha512. genesis.vpatch.trinque.sig is sha256 and polarbeard_add_getpeerinfo_rpc.vpatch.polarbeard.sig is sha1