Matches for sha256, 172 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
Tue Sep 30 11:32:48 UTC 2014 <MolokoDesk> the hashing spec is just SHA256 of the file converted to a bitcoin address.
Fri Sep 26 01:50:52 UTC 2014 <asciilifeform> sha256(lenat-leaks.tar.gz) == cf3a34181d3dff597f1d3fbd7f5678d65263720dbe6ce14dc814ff714d729015
Sun Sep 14 09:49:45 UTC 2014 <RagnarDanneskjol> hey jdanks - cant remember, you got sha256 equipment?
Tue Sep 02 15:37:18 UTC 2014 <kakobrekla> devcoin is sha256
Sat Aug 30 01:07:27 UTC 2014 <MolokoDeck> bot sits in here. People point it at a cryptocontract with multiple signatories. it verifies the signatures. if they're good it creates an unspendable bitcoin transaction with the address encoding the SHA256 hash of the contract. When that transaction clears and is on the blockchain, it notifies the IRC channel and gives the URL of a logged copy of the document, it's associated hash, and a pointer to the blockchain transac
Sat Aug 30 00:54:50 UTC 2014 <MolokoDeck> then the bot would return an SHA256 hash of the document, encode it as a bitcoin address and make a minimum non-spendable transaction, and log to a repository or blog the document with the sha256 hash and the transaction ID containing the encoded hash, and the block number it's in. It would wait to get a confirmation before doing this so the transaction would be in the blockchain.
Thu Aug 14 07:54:47 UTC 2014 <MolokoDeck> I'm not sure there's a quantum algorith for SHA256 that's particularly leveraged, but there are supposedly turing-complete quantum gate computers that could accellerate that. Let's not go into that.
Fri Aug 01 11:52:55 UTC 2014 <danielpbarron> start learning how to sha256 by hand
Tue Jul 29 19:23:45 UTC 2014 <mike_c> depositor insurance: the insurer publishes a list like this: coinbr insured accounts - sha256(act_id): amount, sha256(act_id): amount
Sun Jul 20 20:49:39 UTC 2014 <mircea_popescu> decimation here's more. sha1 is implemented as "sha1sum". sha256 however is implemented as "sha256". then sha512 is... "sha512sum"
Tue Jul 15 18:24:07 UTC 2014 <assbot> [SHA256] Altcoin | Page 22 |
Sun Jul 13 01:48:12 UTC 2014 <BayAreaCoins> I'm more interested in the mining power behind it and the networks on going security. Total supply : * 2734040 HUC Hashrate : * sha256 : 2 818.74TH/s * scrypt : 13.30GH/s
Mon Jun 30 03:33:34 UTC 2014 <asciilifeform> sha256: 0a289db22cfb90ccd84c609a70e1188b75086b9ebcde062aa5bf5bc54a9c7da3 ninjashogun.txt
Wed Jun 18 22:19:00 UTC 2014 <mircea_popescu> The header is signed with the coinbase transaction's private key, and the hash (SHA256(SIG(header, privkey))) of that signature is smaller than a second difficulty parameter Y.
Wed Jun 18 21:15:06 UTC 2014 <punkman> yo dawg I heard u like difficulty: "The header is signed with the coinbase transaction's private key, and the hash (SHA256(SIG(header, privkey))) of that signature is smaller than a second difficulty parameter Y. "
Fri Jun 06 12:42:38 UTC 2014 <pankkake> sha256, and everything the same as Bitcoin
Fri Jun 06 12:41:21 UTC 2014 <mircea_popescu> remind me, what are the chain characteristics ? sha256 ? how many per block, how frequent blocks ?
Thu Jun 05 14:43:08 UTC 2014 <gribble> The Real Altcoin (ATC) - Never mine another altcoin again.:; The Real Altcoin (TheRealAltcoin) on Twitter:; [NEW CASINO! SHA256] Altcoin - Bitcoin Forum:
Wed Jun 04 19:03:01 UTC 2014 <Naphex> so.. if the difficulty adjusts itself to do sha256 for 10 minutes, isn't bitcoin backed by TIME?
Wed May 28 02:34:37 UTC 2014 <Vexual> u tink someone clever will make a sha256 chip to end the game ascii?