Matches for sha256, 172 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
Thu May 14 02:22:28 UTC 2015 <asciilifeform> for the benefit of log readers, i will point out again, that a sha256 hashing circuit is dwarfed, complexity-wise, by all but the simplest 'homework' cpu, gpu, whatever other ic product
Wed May 06 23:58:46 UTC 2015 <mircea_popescu> sha256 is as long as tringque's.
Wed May 06 23:57:04 UTC 2015 <asciilifeform> what's the sha256 ?
Wed May 06 23:56:03 UTC 2015 <mike_c> comodo sha256 cert good through 11/15
Tue May 05 00:48:08 UTC 2015 <danielpbarron> there's yer answer: it's sha1; not sha256
Tue May 05 00:35:05 UTC 2015 <mod6> yep, got that too... but check the sha256's of the dl'd patch files, see if they match the checksums that the ml inserted into the file name.
Wed Apr 29 16:33:56 UTC 2015 <mod6> <+ascii_field> the patch, note, did not remove all (there is a 'what is my ip' thing in there ) << ah, i recall. ok and this is what initiated the conversation about SHA256 addy's as opposd to dotted quads right?
Tue Apr 14 02:06:55 UTC 2015 <felipelalli> ok, I'll try: I'd like to use OTC as a global "blacklist". But it is bad for that because a scammer won't create an account on OTC, or if his reputation is bad, he'll erase it. So we could create a "standard" like for example: br-8d255152 where "br" is the country code ISO and 8d255152 is the first 8 chars of SHA256 of user country document (in Brazil we call CPF and in Australia ID)
Sun Mar 29 22:21:42 UTC 2015 <Adlai> doesn't reduce the total number, but fuck using decimal for sha256
Wed Mar 25 22:30:41 UTC 2015 <trinque> pub/priv-key encrypt either works or doesn't, sha256 either works or doesn't
Fri Mar 20 14:51:06 UTC 2015 <danielpbarron> Add FingerprintHash option to ssh(1) and sshd(8), and equivalent command-line flags to the other tools to control algorithm used for key fingerprints. The default changes from MD5 to SHA256 and format from hex to base64.
Thu Mar 12 19:51:27 UTC 2015 <asciilifeform> Adlai: and srsly, sha256 as a callout?! it's a pg or 2
Fri Jan 23 22:25:41 UTC 2015 <kakobrekla> jurov for otp? sha256 of a paragraph i made up from non-dict words plus some pseudo random bs that changes each run
Mon Jan 19 17:25:55 UTC 2015 <davout> you can just sha256 your content, make an address out of that, send a bitcent there, and since that's how deedbot is supposed to work, you get your stuff deedbot-timestamped before deedbot even exists
Fri Dec 26 10:46:34 UTC 2014 <davout> just sha256 it and send that to the bot
Wed Dec 10 01:50:37 UTC 2014 <decimation> asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: re: deterministic wallets << the ware that someone dropped in the chan a few days ago was amusing: you enter you die rolls on the command line (history!) and then it converts to 'diceware' string, and then it takes a sha256 hash
Tue Dec 02 01:07:55 UTC 2014 <cazalla> anyway, his timeline is still fucked up, bitmain didn't even ship scrpt miners back in october nor can you mine scypt coins with sha256 asics despite him claiming otherwise
Thu Nov 27 18:42:26 UTC 2014 <jurov> sha256(ip) alone can be bruteforced easily
Tue Oct 28 11:12:52 UTC 2014 <punkman1> nubbins`: sha256 of raw genesis deed is 9c68d5c322a3f4212112c5eb1a68dffdb49d105c34256bf219581da524c90522
Tue Oct 28 11:04:53 UTC 2014 <assbot> Logged on 28-10-2014 06:51:56; punkman: if you base58decode the deed hash, you get a sha256 hash of raw deed