Matches for shitgnomes, 77 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
21-02-2016 19:17:43 <ben_vulpes> ha wow did the shitgnomes snip that mod6 ?
12-02-2016 22:16:24 <asciilifeform> 'let go' of the liars, the shitgnomes, aha, right.
29-01-2016 20:36:34 <ascii_butugychag> mircea_popescu: holy shit, shitgnomes are trying to pervert even greenspun's law ?!!
24-01-2016 22:06:46 <BingoBoingo> thestringpuller: Because Qntra needs the potential to host wider varieties of content objectionable to shitgnomes
21-01-2016 03:35:55 <mod6> if(SHITGNOMES) { char *classic = "manyRadicalDeltasFromPointOfOrigin"; }
20-01-2016 21:54:34 <ascii_butugychag> 'snow white and the seven shitgnomes'
20-01-2016 21:53:27 <mod6> Revenge of the Shitgnomes
19-01-2016 04:48:28 <phf> shitgnomes held an emacs conference, complete with code of conduct , names on that page of projects and people are the usual suspects. organizers are sacha chua and john wiegley, who is the current emacs maintainer.
08-01-2016 17:15:00 <ben_vulpes> anyways, your penchant for finding what is wrong with anything aside, openbsd happily supplants os x on mac hardware. for those willing to endure some pain to get away from the shitgnomes, and who have not been obsessively tending a gentoo installation since 1999.
21-12-2015 15:45:24 <assbot> Logged on 21-05-2015 21:54:14; ascii_field: shitgnomes and their 'it didn't happen. if it happened, it doesn't matter. if it matters - one of -our- people did it first, of course!'
10-12-2015 07:23:14 <pete_dushenski> see, and here i was wondering what the fuck the shitgnomes were up to now. qntra to the rescue !
28-11-2015 00:03:44 <assbot> Logged on 27-11-2015 21:57:56; phf: jurov: you know how it is here, there's one small problem, gets elevated to shitgnomes in all the things!!1 status
27-11-2015 21:57:56 <phf> jurov: you know how it is here, there's one small problem, gets elevated to shitgnomes in all the things!!1 status
06-11-2015 07:29:23 <ben_vulpes> --batch --verify it is then, shitgnomes.
31-10-2015 16:01:06 <jurov> that shitgnomes use variadic encoding as a means to append bloat is not failure of said encoding. they'd find another outlet easily
06-10-2015 19:09:25 <BingoBoingo> Kernel PhorCT by ShitGnomes:
01-09-2015 21:55:33 <assbot> Logged on 15-02-2015 21:43:42; asciilifeform: 'but Richard is seemingly frightened about the compiler competition from LLVM that is out under a permissive free software license.' << fud artist lies through his teeth. rms is not 'frightened of competition under permissive licenses', but is pointing out that organized attack by shitgnomes flying (as always) flags of convenience, is under way.
06-07-2015 18:53:17 <ben_vulpes> 2 be stealthy, advertise whatever "version" is "current" with the shitgnomes
05-07-2015 02:07:07 <decimation> on the other hand, the shitgnomes are doing a great job at discrediting themselves
05-07-2015 02:04:06 <decimation> < yeah but meanwhile the shitgnomes dig deeper. surely there's a point where they muck things up? or perhaps there's nothing to be done about it.