Matches for sleep ad libitum, 48 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
Mon Feb 29 15:10:04 UTC 2016 <assbot> Logged on 29-02-2016 13:45:59; asciilifeform: yes, it is better to sleep ad libitum, and wash yourself in the morning with fresh virgin tears and panda milk.
Mon Feb 29 13:45:59 UTC 2016 <asciilifeform> yes, it is better to sleep ad libitum, and wash yourself in the morning with fresh virgin tears and panda milk.
Mon Feb 29 13:45:37 UTC 2016 <asciilifeform> << does mircea_popescu remember the sleep ad libitum thread ?
Mon Jan 04 21:19:18 UTC 2016 <*> pete_dushenski doesn't have allergies, doesn't get sick since sleep ad libitum
Sun Oct 25 17:37:12 UTC 2015 <asciilifeform> THIS is why i covet 'sleep ad libitum' more than anything else.
Sun Oct 25 17:35:51 UTC 2015 <assbot> Logged on 25-10-2015 16:04:16; asciilifeform: ;;later tell gabriel_laddel: << i could tell much the same tale as you. eventually i discovered that i have a 26-hour circadian cycle and no amount of punishments, risks, dope, lost money, etc. will do A FUCKING THING about it. the only cure is to break out of workschwitz so that to sleep ad libitum.
Sun Oct 25 16:17:11 UTC 2015 <asciilifeform> if gabriel_laddel actually could sleep ad libitum - that is, WHENEVER he wants, FOR AS LONG AS he wants - i suspect that he wouldn't ask for dope of any kind.
Sun Oct 25 16:04:16 UTC 2015 <asciilifeform> ;;later tell gabriel_laddel: << i could tell much the same tale as you. eventually i discovered that i have a 26-hour circadian cycle and no amount of punishments, risks, dope, lost money, etc. will do A FUCKING THING about it. the only cure is to break out of workschwitz so that to sleep ad libitum.
Mon Sep 14 01:40:28 UTC 2015 <asciilifeform> it's a sleep-ad-libitum joke
Mon Sep 07 03:31:44 UTC 2015 <asciilifeform> trinque: live well == sleep ad libitum.
Mon Sep 07 02:52:29 UTC 2015 <mircea_popescu> well there certainly exist better museums of "sleep ad libitum" all through california.
Mon Sep 07 02:31:59 UTC 2015 <assbot> The Museum of Sleep-ad-Libitum ! - Album on Imgur ... ( )
Thu Sep 03 02:58:52 UTC 2015 <asciilifeform> mircea_popescu: i don't give a tinker's damn per public affairs.. only sleep-ad-libitum.
Sat Aug 29 21:35:12 UTC 2015 <*> asciilifeform fantasizes about 'sleep ad libitum' for a reason. he has a ~26 hour circadian rhythm.
Sat Aug 22 20:27:39 UTC 2015 <asciilifeform> orwell, like - i suspect - a great many folks, carried out the algo where 'i want the kind of world in which i and others like me can sleep ad libitum and eat well' - and turned that into 'philosophy'
Wed Aug 19 00:42:45 UTC 2015 <Adlai> sleep ad libitum, but perchance - dream
Wed Aug 19 00:40:39 UTC 2015 <mircea_popescu> if you die you sleep ad libitum, alfie.
Sat Aug 15 21:25:51 UTC 2015 <asciilifeform> at any rate, the fixation with units of account is odd, if speaking of sovietized folk. i'd imagine they would realize that what they really want is 'sleep ad libitum', or even 'mercedes 600', rather than 'bag of benjies' per se
Sat Aug 15 01:38:39 UTC 2015 <asciilifeform> btw, i will have mircea_popescu know that prisoners, at least in usa, do ~not~ get to sleep ad libitum.
Sat Aug 15 01:37:26 UTC 2015 <asciilifeform> triggered by mention of folks who sleep ad libitum