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Matches for stotting, 30 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

15-02-2016 21:39:37  <assbot>   Logged on 15-02-2016 18:04:21; asciilifeform: it suggests that erdos was right, most people 'have no theorems to prove', the idiot social stotting game ~is~ the point of living, to them.

15-02-2016 18:04:21  <asciilifeform>   it suggests that erdos was right, most people 'have no theorems to prove', the idiot social stotting game ~is~ the point of living, to them.

15-02-2016 17:59:26  <asciilifeform>   e.g., i can go and buy 'mercedes' but what if i want to ~only~ pay for quality and ~not at all~ for stotting ?

08-02-2016 18:54:24  <mircea_popescu>   ascii_butugychag> idiot stotting bulls are a dime a dozen. << they're a dime a dozen exactly like how microscope is a dime a dozen in post-usg us.

08-02-2016 18:38:49  <ascii_butugychag>   idiot stotting bulls are a dime a dozen.

08-12-2015 16:23:17  <mircea_popescu>   if you think the stotting buck is stotting "to impress the she-herd" you've spent a little too much time i nschool.

25-09-2015 02:00:17  <BingoBoingo>   asciilifeform: Needed physical office for stotting

17-09-2015 07:02:55  <BingoBoingo>   Why did benkay and BingoBoingo butt heads? Sport mostly. Also stotting behavior.

16-09-2015 01:05:32  <BingoBoingo>   Once tesla revealed their hand was competing not on efficiency, but stotting Porsche had it

15-09-2015 20:14:14  <mircea_popescu>   <ascii_field> who saw the palaces and ludicrous 'stotting' << sure, i'm privy to teh arab wastage.

15-09-2015 19:37:41  <ascii_field>   re: meatwot, all i meant was that i personally know a fella, who i trust to describe what he saw, who saw the palaces and ludicrous 'stotting'

10-09-2015 03:19:23  <assbot>   Logged on 10-09-2015 01:20:40; BingoBoingo: And the military hummer has a certain stotting value the Ford "King Ranch" doesn't

10-09-2015 01:20:40  <BingoBoingo>   And the military hummer has a certain stotting value the Ford "King Ranch" doesn't

25-06-2015 05:31:59  <mircea_popescu>   im unconvinced this is stotting. i don't dispute it could be called that, but then again anything could.

14-06-2015 16:47:27  <asciilifeform>   could have something to do with the cargo-cult, 'stotting' aspect of advertising per se

16-03-2015 21:03:48  <assbot>   Logged on 16-03-2015 20:16:50; ascii_field: sorta wonder, i confess, if sprezzatura/stotting makes its appearance in overcrowded worlds 'that have no frontiers'

16-03-2015 20:16:50  <ascii_field>   sorta wonder, i confess, if sprezzatura/stotting makes its appearance in overcrowded worlds 'that have no frontiers'

16-03-2015 20:12:57  <assbot>   11 results for 'stotting' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=stotting

16-03-2015 20:12:56  <ascii_field>   !s stotting

21-01-2015 22:07:36  <mircea_popescu>   ben_vulpes stotting ?

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