Matches for strings, 295 total results Sorted by newest | relevance
Thu Dec 07 07:06:41 UTC 2017 <kakobrekla> meanwhile their two strings and a can regularly breaks down when btc moves
Sun Nov 05 17:31:41 UTC 2017 <funkenstein_> "In addition, when we looked inside the decompressed vfs module, we encountered the strings ?FS: bogus child for forking? and ?FS: forking on top of in-use child,? which clearly originate from Minix3 code. It would seem that ME 11 is based on the MINIX 3 OS developed by Andrew Tanenbaum "
Thu Aug 31 11:55:00 UTC 2017 <kakobrekla> ( '-' is not defined for two two strings )
Fri Jan 06 16:56:05 UTC 2017 <kakobrekla> moar kraken strings and can
Thu Jan 05 20:09:36 UTC 2017 <adlai> oic. well i'll stop refreshing the page... if there is one thing the prewebnet got right, twas the ability to push notes rather than waiting for strings to be pulled
Tue Jan 03 07:42:49 UTC 2017 <assbot> GitHub - dxa4481/truffleHog: Searches through git repositories for high entropy strings, digging deep into commit history ... ( )
Fri Aug 19 00:02:51 UTC 2016 <twixisowned> for no strings attached
Thu Aug 18 23:41:54 UTC 2016 <twixisowned> who would "give" someone a fairly large bitcoin pool with no strings attached, especially to some random person like wizkid057?
Thu Jun 23 14:24:44 UTC 2016 <asciilifeform> kakobrekla: incidentally if you want a gadget that signs really short strings, using closed cpu with crappy rng, the openpgp folks have been selling this for, what, 20 yrs
Mon Mar 28 19:04:05 UTC 2016 <thestringpuller> asciilifeform: if the leaders aren't pulling the strings (determining the missions), then who is?
Tue Mar 22 20:54:39 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> davout you pm deedbot with a list of strings which it retains for the day, prints a cloud somewhere, one can click items in cloud to get list of days so tagged
Sun Feb 28 15:18:57 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> << i always thought that's one of the better gems of lolcomedy in that thing. you see, it's so fucking abstract, it calls the things to get the list of messages, hurr durr. no magic strings here, we just do calls!!11
Thu Feb 25 17:26:20 UTC 2016 <mircea_popescu> if i take a buffer, split it up in words, and give you some and him some, and you convert them to strings and give them back, i must be able to reconsturct the original buffer without possibility of error.
Thu Feb 25 17:12:41 UTC 2016 <phf> i've been mulling over that question with logs. fwiw, entire log can be kept in memory for analysis, annotation, whatever, 180mb as utf-8 byte arrays. with unicode strings takes up twice the memory on 16-bit cmucl, and ~~4 times on 32-bit sbcl. i'm not yet convinced that transcoding everything you get into string and then transcoding it back to a bytearray onto the wire is the best strategy
Mon Feb 22 02:34:10 UTC 2016 <phf> tinyscheme can't read strings longer then #define STRBUFFSIZE 256, hmm
Sat Feb 06 19:52:13 UTC 2016 <asciilifeform> (and that they were, hence, not crafted specifically to bulldoze whatever magical pattern he put in his strings)
Sat Feb 06 19:50:05 UTC 2016 <asciilifeform> incidentally, the main reason i'd like a referee, is so that everybody knows that my random 'pads' were generated independently of mircea_popescu's challenge strings.
Sat Feb 06 19:43:18 UTC 2016 <punkman> *all the other strings
Sat Feb 06 19:34:59 UTC 2016 <asciilifeform> it has to be with mircea_popescu generating the magic strings, because this is how he said he will carry out the telepathy - by selecting specially-crafted biased input.
Sat Feb 06 19:28:09 UTC 2016 <asciilifeform> so, for this variant of game, algo would be 1) mircea_popescu generates his string set, signs, deedbots; 2) i xor'em, sign, deedbot at first only the signature; 3) i post one of the xor'ed strings 4) he telepathies which one 5) i reveal my hand, which is the tarball in step 2 6) if he wins, i lose 10b, or vice-versa